in my boredom I've gone through my brainstormed tracklist and made modifications here and there, removing Hirari, Believer, and Ryuusei (TV Size) and the two Yokokus, since I see no sign of them on the actual tracklist. I also added the two songs from the first OST.
These listed songs I believe have the highest chance of getting on there. Furthermore, there are only 22 in this list, leaving us with 3 more possible songs that I can't think of at the moment. As before, please forgive me for the half-assed name ideas.
-- Melody: song from first OST
-- Inside Flowing Time: song from first OST
-- Behaving like the Wind (Piano version): Plays during an emotional moment, such as when Masaru confronts his mom in 14 or during Yoshino’s dream in 15
-- DR 2: DR was on the first OST, and is basically the ‘theme song’ of DATS; it’s more upbeat. DR 2 is a lot like it, but it plays when Satsuma is briefing the team (first used in 1, right after DR)
-- Stirring Up Infinity (Techno Version): Played during Gaomon's Perfect Evolution in 15 or 16
-- Tragedy: played when Mercurimon died (25), Sleipmon froze himself and Dukemon (41), and when Touma relives his mother’s death (15)
-- Perfect Evolution Medley: played throughout the Perfect Evolution arc; three different songs that are connected but never played one after another; first part during the fight against Falcomon in 12, second part played right after that (Agumon's evolution) or during the first fight with Mercurimon (1

, third part during the fight with the Okuwamon, up until RiseGreymon showed up (19) or at the end of the fight against Meteormon (23)
-- Upbeat Fight: played during Agumon’s evolution in 14, Kamemon’s evolution in 18
-- Hyper Bio Evolution: the Bio Trio’s evolution theme (first in 27); later used just for bad situations (such as Gaomon’s evolution in 35)
-- 'Superman' Theme: heroic sounding song; first played when Satsuma rescued everybody in the Digital Gate in 27
-- Tense Situation: plays during a point where something has taken a turn for the worse; first plays when Aquilamon evolves into Garudamon in 13
-- Dramatic Situation: when ShineGreymon Ruin Mode first appears; when Suguru is revealed to be Yggdrasil in 40
-- Trouble Approaching: when Mercurimon first arrived in the Human World in 12
-- Trouble Approaching 2: when Belphemon wakes up and Kurata takes over 36
-- March of Destruction: marching-like song that plays during a tough situation; played when Sleipmon saved the gang in 40, or when Guwappamon evolved in 42
-- Ultimate Evolution: dramatic song that played during the first few episodes with Ultimate Evolutions (first used in 29 when Masaru controlled his Digisoul)
-- Ultimate Evolution 2: evolution song that took the place of the above starting in 36
-- Burst Mode Latin Opera: needs no explanation; all but confirmed to be on there
-- Savers March: big orchestra that played only once, during the final 4-screen Burst Evolution against Yggdrasil in 47
-- [Unknown]: played right before Masaru decided to go join the fight against Belphemon, with Agumon's egg on his back (36)
-- [Unknown 2]: played when the Royal Knights rebelled against Yggdrasil (47)
-- Resolution: when Suguru is revived and joins with Masaru and his family after Yggdrasil's destruction (4

; sounds kind of like the Main Theme from the first OST, but distinctly different