...what happened to Pages?

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Staff member
Yeah. That earthquake is supposedly part of the top five biggest since modern recording technologies.

Well, I hope whoever's in the vicinity is fine.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
162 chapters, one member of the harem is gone (keeping track of the harem size in Negima for no other reason then curiosity/boredom)


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Negima is probably the only harem series that the harem gets smaller as the series goes on. Also the only harem series that reminds me of DBZ.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Wait, make that 16, technically the one girl likes Kotaru instead of Negi. And then there is Setsuna and Konoka who seem to be a couple, but both like Negi too....


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
I won a pack of gum that shocks people if they try to take a piece from it from a machine in an arcade. I love pranks involving electrical shocks.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
There was this little kid begging his dad for some money to play the game (light bulbs line the edge, they light up one after another and if you stop the light on a red bulb you win whatever that light corresponds to. It cost 50 cents per credit.), but the dad was telling him that it was a waste of money, you would spend more then the item was worth. I put in a dollar, and won on my second try. The father then tried to explain that it was luck, when my brother then came up and said, "So you won something out of that machine again?" I answered, "Yep." The look on the father's face was priceless.

The thing was, I used to play the game all the time. I had a friend who was horrible at the game, but had a lot of quarters. I convinced him that I was good at that game (technically a lie, I had never played the game before), so he let me play. I got lucky my first time, and thanks to the near unending supply of quarters from him, I got scarily good at the game.
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