megumi;97540 said:
Zodiac, Kaitou does have a comment before his list of rules. >_>
Oh, another thing about this game, the rules should only affect other rules, not the posts themselves. So the comment rule the way you have it is actually invalid. (And the fake signatures. Rules are
only to affect other rules.)
Oh, whatever, it'll come into effect next round.
1. Every rule must have a differnent color than the 5 (!) posts before it (let´s make it a bit more colorful ^^)
2. All rules must be ended by a fake signature with your real signature (if you have one) hidden. The colours used in the fake signature does not apply to rule number one.
3. No rule is allowed to restrict the fake signature
4. Agumon: Rules are to be said by a Digimon or Pokemon (no repeats allowed).
5. VenomVamdemon: Every rule must have have at least 1 word double (it doesn´t have to make any sence)
6. Pikachu: You must poke the person above you. *pokes Matze* (You so saw that Pokemon coming. Is white to hard to read?)
7. Stantler: Every rule must must end in tildes~ *pokes Kaitou*
8. Ralts: Every rule must have a comment before it it~ *pokes Kaitou* (second poke for you in a row XD (this part is a comment, not part of the rule (no tilde behind it required)))
9. Ponyta: All all rules must have a smilie in it.
~ *pokes Matze* (Flaming horse for the win.)
10. Lucario: >_> All all rules must have smiley before the rule is said~ *pokes Kaitou*
11. Shiny Mew:
Every rule must have at least least one spelling elror~ *pokes Megu*
12. Mewtwo: >_< *pokes pokes Matze149* Every rule must now have at least two word repeats, one of them being th th spelling error~
If I say something fansub-related (ehrm, percentages much?) then it doesn't mean much--blah.
BTW, I just came back from math camp! That's why you haven't seen me on.