The Rule Game


Staff member
1. Every rule must have a different color than the 2 last POSTS before it (So no orange and black allowed for me, the next one can´t use black and the same blue as me and so on.)
2. All even rules must be bold.
3. All rules must be underlined
4. All rules divisible by 4 must be italicized, while all others cannot be.
5. Every rule must have a smiliey somewhere in it (any smiliey is okay) :D
6. :p Every rule is to end in a tilde (~)~
7. Subaru: All rules must be said by someone (no repeating persons) (In my case Subaru says it. :) Just put X: before your rule (replace the "X" for any name)~
8. Vice: D:< All rules must be said by a person from a different series than the ones used in the last two posts (similar to the color one, just now with the characters too; so the next post can't use a character from RnR or ULTIMO)~
9. Negi: Every rule must havxe at least one spelling error (spelling the name of the person who says the rule doesn´t count! :mad:)~
10. Taichi: All ruels must have an exclamation mark after the tilde :D~!
11. Fuyuki: After every rule you have to hide xour real signature and fake one (example look below ;) (you don´t have to use a colour for it)) (doesn´t count for comments)~!
12. Hajime: The fake signature must contain at least oen image~!



Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
Rule 5 has been broken; no smiliey... Who wants to start a new game? (otherwise I´ll start one in around 5 mins) ^^


Staff member
That Girl With the Hair
Oooh so pretty~

1. All rules must in rainbow. Use this.
2. All rules must poke someone. *pokes megumi* (Seriously all I could think of.)


Staff member
1. All rules must in rainbow. Use this.
2. All rules must poke someone. *pokes megumi* (Seriously all I could think of.)
3. The person you poke has to be the one who posted before you. *pokes Kaitou*


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
1. All rules must in rainbow. Use this.
2. All rules must poke someone. *pokes megumi* (Seriously all I could think of.)
3. The person you poke has to be the one who posted before you. *pokes Kaitou*
4. Every "o" (execpt this :Dne and in the names) has t:D be switched with a smiley (n:D text smilieys in this case!) *p:Dkes megumi &amp; Kaitou*


Staff member
That Girl With the Hair
You missed the O in Kaitou

Wait. I re-read it.

And now to think of a rule. (Which will never happen)


Staff member
Didn't notice the fact that you edited. >_>

1. All rules must in rainbow. Use this.
2. All rules must poke someone. *pokes megumi* (Seriously all I could think of.)
3. The person you poke has to be the one who posted before you. *pokes Kaitou*
4. Every "o" (execpt this :Dne and in the names) has t:D be switched with a smiley (n:D text smilieys in this case!) *p:Dkes megumi &amp; Kaitou*
5. All rules must c:Dntain a speeling err:Dr. *p:Dkes Matze &amp; Kaitou*


Staff member
That Girl With the Hair
lol It's okay. I should've read better... :p

1. All rules must in rainbow. Use this.
2. All rules must poke someone. *pokes megumi* (Seriously all I could think of.)
3. The person you poke has to be the one who posted before you. *pokes Kaitou*
4. Every "o" (execpt this :Dne and in the names) has t:D be switched with a smiley (n:D text smilieys in this case!) *p:Dkes megumi &amp; Kaitou*
5. All rules must c:Dntain a speeling err:Dr. *p:Dkes Matze &amp; Kaitou*
6. All p:)sts must be in Italics. *p:)les Megumi and Matze*


Staff member
1. All rules must in rainbow. Use this.
2. All rules must poke someone. *pokes megumi* (Seriously all I could think of.)
3. The person you poke has to be the one who posted before you. *pokes Kaitou*
4. Every "o" (execpt this :Dne and in the names) has t:D be switched with a smiley (n:D text smilieys in this case!) *p:Dkes megumi &amp; Kaitou*
5. All rules must c:Dntain a speeling err:Dr. *p:Dkes Matze &amp; Kaitou*
6. All p:)sts must be in Italics. *p:)kes Megumi and Matze*
7. Y:mad:u can :mad:nly p:mad:ke :mad:ne pers:mad:n and that pers:mad:n can :mad:nly be the pers:mad:n wh:mad: ps:mad:ted bef:mad:re y:mad:u, be it a c:mad:mment :mad:r a new rule. *p:mad:kes Kaitou*


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
Even If I´m poked for this now: I´ve got to go to bed now; good night, I´ll post again tomorrow~


Staff member
That Girl With the Hair

1. All rules must in rainbow. Use this.
2. All rules must poke someone. *pokes megumi* (Seriously all I could think of.)
3. The person you poke has to be the one who posted before you. *pokes Kaitou*
4. Every "o" (execpt this :Dne and in the names) has t:D be switched with a smiley (n:D text smilieys in this case!) *p:Dkes megumi &amp; Kaitou*
5. All rules must c:Dntain a speeling err:Dr. *p:Dkes Matze &amp; Kaitou*
6. All p:)sts must be in Italics. *p:)les Megumi and Matze*
7. Y:mad:u can :mad:nly p:mad:ke :mad:ne pers:mad:n and that pers:mad:n can :mad:nly be the pers:mad:n wh:mad: ps:mad:ted bef:mad:re y:mad:u, be it a c:mad:mment :mad:r a new rule. *p:mad:kes Kaitou*
8. All ruels need t:) have at least :)ne number. 7 (N:)t c:)unting the rule number.)*p:)kes Matze*


Staff member
1. All rules must in rainbow. Use this.
2. All rules must poke someone. *pokes megumi* (Seriously all I could think of.)
3. The person you poke has to be the one who posted before you. *pokes Kaitou*
4. Every "o" (execpt this :Dne and in the names) has t:D be switched with a smiley (n:D text smilieys in this case!) *p:Dkes megumi &amp; Kaitou*
5. All rules must c:Dntain a speeling err:Dr. *p:Dkes Matze &amp; Kaitou*
6. All p:)sts must be in Italics. *p:)les Megumi and Matze*
7. Y:mad:u can :mad:nly p:mad:ke :mad:ne pers:mad:n and that pers:mad:n can :mad:nly be the pers:mad:n wh:mad: ps:mad:ted bef:mad:re y:mad:u, be it a c:mad:mment :mad:r a new rule. *p:mad:kes Kaitou*
8. All ruels need t:) have at least :)ne number. 7 (N:)t c:)unting the rule number.)*p:)kes Matze*
9. The number that y:mad:u are required t:mad: include must be x :mad:f this equati:mad:n x=(r-1)[sup]2[/sup], where r eqaals the number preceding the rule y:mad:u are writing (s:mad:, I put 64 since this is rule nine). *p:mad:kes Kaitou*


Translator, empty...
1. All rules must in rainbow. Use this.
2. All rules must poke someone. *pokes megumi* (Seriously all I could think of.)
3. The person you poke has to be the one who posted before you. *pokes Kaitou*
4. Every "o" (execpt this :Dne and in the names) has t:D be switched with a smiley (n:D text smilieys in this case!) *p:Dkes megumi & Kaitou*
5. All rules must c:Dntain a speeling err:Dr. *p:Dkes Matze & Kaitou*
6. All p:)sts must be in Italics. *p:)les Megumi and Matze*
7. Y:mad:u can :mad:nly p:mad:ke :mad:ne pers:mad:n and that pers:mad:n can :mad:nly be the pers:mad:n wh:mad: ps:mad:ted bef:mad:re y:mad:u, be it a c:mad:mment :mad:r a new rule. *p:mad:kes Kaitou*
8. All ruels need t:) have at least :)ne number. 7 (N:)t c:)unting the rule number.)*p:)kes Matze*
9. The number that y:mad:u are required t:mad: include must be x :mad:f this equati:mad:n x=(r-1)[sup]2[/sup], where r eqaals the number preceding the rule y:mad:u are writing (s:mad:, I put 64 since this is rule nine). *p:mad:kes Kaitou*
10. Given the functi:rolleyes:n f(r)=(r-1)[sup]2[/sup] fr:rolleyes:m rule 9., the numb3r y:rolleyes:u are n:rolleyes:w required to place anywhere in your rule must n:rolleyes:w be the fxn value :rolleyes:f f'(r)=2r-2 let your fxn value r be the numb3r :rolleyes:f the preceding rule. My f'(9)=16. *p:rolleyes:kes megumi*


Staff member
I did a math problem for the fun of it. I made it simple so that anybody can do it; therefore, I didn't do a math problem so that another person just makes it harder. But anyway, mind explaining your math problem, Warrock? I got lost around the derivative part.

On the side note, I assume fxn as a valid shorthand of function. So, there is no misspelled word (correct me if I am wrong). On top of that, the o in "pokes" is not a smiley. So in short, whatever that math problem means, we restart.

I'd still like to get an explanation for the math problem, considering I haven't taken Calculus yet.


Translator, empty...
The smiley at the o at pokes disappeared, anyway lol sorry. - I know I placed one there hmmm...

Now I made it easier. haha *darn it* haha *I'm expecting Zodiac to intervene* :-p

Well, I think it was kinda unfair I made it hard. I am sorry about that. Can we just let this one go and continue?

Actually, the basic idea there is the power rule in derivatives. Just use this: nx[sup]n-1[/sup]. Then, you apply the chain rule (won't change the answer if ever - not needed for this particular one) - apply power rule, multiplied by the derivative of whatever is inside. The derivative of r is 1 and for the constant 1, it is 0. End answer should be 2(r-1)*(1-0)=2r-2

lol, advanced lesson :-p You can at least use it come calculus tiem haha.