1. Every rule must have a different color than the 2 last POSTS before it (So no orange and black allowed for me, the next one can´t use black and the same blue as me and so on.)
2. All even rules must be bold.
3. All rules must be underlined
4. All rules divisible by 4 must be italicized, while all others cannot be.
5. Every rule must have a smiliey somewhere in it (any smiliey is okay)
Every rule is to end in a tilde (~)~
7. Subaru: All rules must be said by someone (no repeating persons) (In my case Subaru says it.
Just put X: before your rule (replace the "X" for any name)~
8. Vice: D:< All rules must be said by a person from a different series than the ones used in the last two posts (similar to the color one, just now with the characters too; so the next post can't use a character from RnR or ULTIMO)~
9. Negi: Every rule must havxe at least one spelling error (spelling the name of the person who says the rule doesn´t count!
10. Taichi: All ruels must have an exclamation mark after the tilde
11. Fuyuki: After every rule you have to hide xour real signature and fake one (example look below
(you don´t have to use a colour for it)) (doesn´t count for comments)~!
12. Hajime: The fake signature must contain at least oen image~!
2. All even rules must be bold.
3. All rules must be underlined
4. All rules divisible by 4 must be italicized, while all others cannot be.
5. Every rule must have a smiliey somewhere in it (any smiliey is okay)


7. Subaru: All rules must be said by someone (no repeating persons) (In my case Subaru says it.

8. Vice: D:< All rules must be said by a person from a different series than the ones used in the last two posts (similar to the color one, just now with the characters too; so the next post can't use a character from RnR or ULTIMO)~
9. Negi: Every rule must havxe at least one spelling error (spelling the name of the person who says the rule doesn´t count!

10. Taichi: All ruels must have an exclamation mark after the tilde

11. Fuyuki: After every rule you have to hide xour real signature and fake one (example look below

12. Hajime: The fake signature must contain at least oen image~!