It's amazing how I don't seem to qualify for disability though... I still need a doctor to confirm it, but my current one is retarded. I went in multiple times for my feet problems and he has yet to do anything about it. I'm pretty sure after doing a lot of reading I somehow damaged my Achilles tendon. Dunno if I mentioned before on here I thought my left foot was broken, now I think it's that and I was mistaking it. It's progressively more and more painful, even now that I rarely walk and I've been home / out of work for ages. On top of that, I weigh a shit ton (nearly 500 pounds), I have depression, suicidal tendencies, social issues, paranoia, sleep apnea that leaves me always tired and fatigued (used to pass out on way driving to work, even if I had just woke up from sleeping 14 hours) and more I'm probably forgetting to mention. Not to mention the longer I'm at a job, the faster I am each day to wanting to leave or scream. I get violent cause I feel trapped/helpless... I'm a total nutjob