...what happened to Pages?

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Active Member
Loves Being Poked
That sounds just like you Lige.
I-is not! *Turns away trying to act all cool 'n stuff*

I just... Lack money, and food. *Looks at bread* I'll eat this, see?! *Nom-noms on bread. Realizing how bland it is.*... Note to self: Buy peanut butter.


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
The last "Hurt or Heal" thread claimed the next round started in a week. IT NEVER DID! *Glares arround evily* We should totally start it... I would, but... I lack ambition, and feel like I'd look stupid. (Though saying this makes me look even more stupid :D)

Ooh! Megumi, if you would still do what you offered a few months ago to change my user title thing, you should totally change it to Baka :x (Half kidding, half not <_<)


Staff member
I-is not! *Turns away trying to act all cool 'n stuff*

I just... Lack money, and food. *Looks at bread* I'll eat this, see?! *Nom-noms on bread. Realizing how bland it is.*... Note to self: Buy peanut butter.


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Woot, thanks for changing it.

Even if I grow to dislike it,


Was a little weird. So 2nd Lige as Baka is better xP


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Now I realize why I was feeling lightheaded and having trouble balancing while! After I ate, all those problems went away!


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
... *Smacks Bladesworn* Next time just eat if you know you haven't in a while :x

.... Speaking of which. My ramens been done for a while... *Forgot to take out of microwave...*


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
I-is not! *Turns away trying to act all cool 'n stuff*

I just... Lack money, and food. *Looks at bread* I'll eat this, see?! *Nom-noms on bread. Realizing how bland it is.*... Note to self: Buy peanut butter.

Did you know that bread you are eating is the equivalent of slow acting poison to me?


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
... *Smacks Bladesworn* Next time just eat if you know you haven't in a while :x

.... Speaking of which. My ramens been done for a while... *Forgot to take out of microwave...*

I can tolerate the smack or someone putting capital letters in my name, but not together. blade is a little distracted right now to worry about something someone said on the internet, but you might want to remember that for later. Ask megumi, she should be able to fill you in with what happens.

As for why I didn't eat. I have to give three examples of ways I've used Psychology now that I know what it is. blade is literally drawing a blank.


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
I wasn't trying to be mean at all, just hoping you take better care of yourself. I too forget to eat sometimes by various means like just not thinking I'm hungry, or am overall just too mentally lacking to acknowledge needing to eat :x

As for the capital in name, I apologize. I generally capital first letters of names/alias to try and be respectful, but didn't realize you prefer it to be lowercase. Now that I know that I'll try and be sure not to capitalize :)

About the smack, would a glomp be better? (That sounds sarcastic-ish, but it's not. Seriously curious. Just trying to be friendly :3)


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Cause of the sugar? Yeah... Same here. It's still food :x

I wasn't talking about the sugar. I have celiac disease, and that bread contains gluten. Gluten for some reason destroys the villi in my intestine. The villi in my intestines are what absorb nutrient from the food I eat. I can eat all I want, but unless I abstain from gluten my villi will never recover, and I will become malnourished and possibly die (rather rare, but possible).

Gluten is a protein in wheat. Wheat is used to make flour. Flour is used to make bread, pizza, ramen noodles (actually, pure buckwheat [which isn't actually wheat] soba noodles are fine for me to eat. Rare and expensive, but okay.), spagetti, hamburger buns, this list is rather long so I'll stop there.

Gluten is literally a slow working poison to me. It's also how I found is the best way to introduce Celiac disease to people.


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Ah, I assumed the sugar since despite what most people think about bread being "good for them" (even wheat), it's actually quite a bit responsible for slowing down metabolisms and causing fat 'n all that junk. (Probably a big issue for me. I eat too much bread/ramen x_x)

Must be a pain having to watch for gluten in things if you want to try something new or have favorite foods, but I'm glad it's not life threatening as long as you do avoid stuff though :)


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
I wasn't trying to be mean at all, just hoping you take better care of yourself. I too forget to eat sometimes by various means like just not thinking I'm hungry, or am overall just too mentally lacking to acknowledge needing to eat :x

As for the capital in name, I apologize. I generally capital first letters of names/alias to try and be respectful, but didn't realize you prefer it to be lowercase. Now that I know that I'll try and be sure not to capitalize :)

About the smack, would a glomp be better? (That sounds sarcastic-ish, but it's not. Seriously curious. Just trying to be friendly :3)

I can get distracted by projects very easily, and in the past my stomach has done a very good job of informing me when to take a break. For some reason my medication blocked that. It's one of the side-effects of Focalin apparently.

Sorry, I just don't like it when people capitalize it (Greg had something to do with it, but I'm not really in the mood to talk about that).

I prefer to avoid having someone I barely know violating my personal space.


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
It's all good, everyone has things they do and don't like pertaining to themselves, names, etc. I hate when people add a "y" after my name and call me "Ligey" or if it's over voice or in real life, they pronounce my name wrong. I'm sure the irritation with capitalization to your name is a similar annoyance, so I can definitely relate. (Not claiming to know the back story you mentioned though, so of course I'm not implying it's directly the same.)

As for the personal space thing, again not claiming to know your specific reasons, but I can relate a bit as well. I used to be the same way and found it very annoying when anyone said "pokes, glomps, hugs" etc. Having spent two thirds of my life on the internet, I've kind-a picked up the habit. I'll also make a mental note not to do anything of that nature, and again I do apologize.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Ah, I assumed the sugar since despite what most people think about bread being "good for them" (even wheat), it's actually quite a bit responsible for slowing down metabolisms and causing fat 'n all that junk. (Probably a big issue for me. I eat too much bread/ramen x_x)

Must be a pain having to watch for gluten in things if you want to try something new or have favorite foods, but I'm glad it's not life threatening as long as you do avoid stuff though :)

My metabolism is rather high. I am allergic to cane sugar, but the worse I've had it is when I had two boxes of Runts and had a bad headache, felt lightheaded, and felt like I was going to pass out.

Gluten is what makes bread light and soft. Our bread made out of rice flour, potato starch, and tapioca flour is rather denser. Less appetizing.

Also, there is no equivalent for donuts.

Our food is more expensive too....

Also, I think that the people at McDonalds hate us. Who could of thought that the phrase "No bun" could cause so much delay?
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