...what happened to Pages?

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Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest

I think I hurt myself......

I saw Kisara perform a front kick into an axe kick. I tried to copying it. Turns out I'm even less flexible than I thought I was....


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Shoulders too weak to do pushups....

I can build my strength in everything else, but I can never build shoulder strength....


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Glad your okay bladesworn. You win epic points for trying to do that though, since it sounds awesome xD

And yes, I was on facebook. Deactivated it this morning though. I might be disapearing from the net for a while, so I am killing off my stalkers o_o Though there was never a real picture of me anyway. (Not counting my 7 year old self. I don't mind showing off my non-ugly past self ;o) I literally almost never used it though. Only set it up to talk to 2 old friends I met on FUNimation Chat World back in the day, whom moved to MSN Messenger for a while, then went on to college where MSN was blocked, hence the facebook (well, previously Myspace...) I would have never used either if not for them :x (Evil people, I swear!)


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Glad your okay bladesworn. You win epic points for trying to do that though, since it sounds awesome xD

And yes, I was on facebook. Deactivated it this morning though. I might be disapearing from the net for a while, so I am killing off my stalkers o_o Though there was never a real picture of me anyway. (Not counting my 7 year old self. I don't mind showing off my non-ugly past self ;o) I literally almost never used it though. Only set it up to talk to 2 old friends I met on FUNimation Chat World back in the day, whom moved to MSN Messenger for a while, then went on to college where MSN was blocked, hence the facebook (well, previously Myspace...) I would have never used either if not for them :x (Evil people, I swear!)

I took karate a long time ago, and when I watch Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple it's practice time. It's a little game I play were I copy the techniques the characters use. Sometimes the characters do things that require having the flexibility of a gymnast. I don't have that flexibility....

I have learned a faster way of punching though, and my kicks have gotten faster, so I'd say that if you have a martial arts background it's a worthy anime.

I use facebook to communicate with my friends and people I want to communicate with. I played some games, but everything but Robot Unicorn Attack and Bejeweled Blitz is the only games I play, and only when REALLY bored. Facebook actually is kinda useful for me.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
I have a game! See if you can guess what technique blade managed to hurt himself while trying to copy. Just post what time the technique is at (it's within the first minute).



Staff member
That Girl With the Hair


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Well, due to some shitty situations pertaining to various things I wont get into (I tend to ramble, then usually it seems like I only want attention/trying to cause drama, when in reality I just am horrible at explaining things.) I may be losing my place to live soon. In fact, I woke up to an e-mail telling me I have til midnight to pack and gtfo.

Otherwise, I'll probably be semi-consistently active like I have been the last few days. If I disapear again though, it wasn't by choice. (Though last time wasn't really either. "stuff" happened and I was kind-a discouraged to come back :x)


Staff member
That Girl With the Hair
Well, due to some shitty situations pertaining to various things I wont get into (I tend to ramble, then usually it seems like I only want attention/trying to cause drama, when in reality I just am horrible at explaining things.) I may be losing my place to live soon. In fact, I woke up to an e-mail telling me I have til midnight to pack and gtfo.

Otherwise, I'll probably be semi-consistently active like I have been the last few days. If I disapear again though, it wasn't by choice. (Though last time wasn't really either. "stuff" happened and I was kind-a discouraged to come back :x)
Aw poor Lige... No fun stuff is no fun.


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
:eek: You're awesome at coloring/re-drawing stuff then. I assumed that something official-ish xD

Thanks for the caring comments to both of you btw :3 I'm here right now after suffering similar situation in the future, so I'm sure if shit does hit the fan, I'll be back eventually ^.^ - Plus I don't plan to sell my iPod Touch unless absolutely necessary, so I can abuse wifi if I need too to say hi here and there :3
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