The Disgaea thread

HAHA that's awesome.

I have the Disgaea 3 digital media disc so maybe I'll crack that open sometime (it's how I made my avatar and sig).

I think I showed you guys this before but here's the merch I own. (click link to enlarge)

Right it's time to pull out the big guns. (big image so I thumb nailed it, click for full size etc).

Btw I just ordered Prinny: can I really be the hero, should arrive by thursday :)


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
*move -> to Vincent & Role* -> *Items -> Uses disgaeaicon2.gif*


@Vincentdante: Not a bad choice,dood~ I really like that game, dood~ Have fun with it... dooood~ XD
Hehe Nice gif :)

@Vincentdante: Not a bad choice,dood~ I really like that game, dood~ Have fun with it... dooood~ XD

Yeah I only found out about a month ago that it was already out in Europe, it completely slipped passed me while I was finishing up university lol. I have heard a lot of good things about it and am really looking forward to it :)


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
Then look forward to some extreme Prinny-action ^^

By the way, do you have the calendar for next month (that Disgaea calendar)?

Also, a new "attack" from me:

yup I have the full calender I'll start uploading previous months later on if you want as well.

Also prinny arrived a full day earlier :D god damn its a hard game lol.

These mini comics your uploading are awesome as well.


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
Thanks~ ^^

Try hard mode ^.- (In hard mode you die after only ONE hit, not 3 XD). Also look forward to "Gourmetbot" (I needed 2 hours to defeat him (Not because of his strength, but because of the short time you have to defeat him XD) XDDDD). Oh and when you´re about to run out of lifes: lose all lifes to see an ending and get a new attack

Thanks, but I´m about to run out of them (slowly XD")~

Part 2:
very well for every post I make I shall share a calender. I'll post thumbnails because of their size as well.

I should tell you this is a two year calender... which starts in April... So here is the first page April 2008 :p

I'm embarrassed to admit that I almost lost 100 prinnies fighting a giant dragon boss T.T he was hard dood!

EDIT: this is purely to flesh it out and to give you something to look forward to, I'll post next months page when this month is near it's end if that's alright.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Fear the power of LUST!

What? You were expecting love? I ain't Flonne.
*off topic* Hey role, this is coming a bit late I know but I really like your new sig. I always make small sigs to use with multiple forums but of course this hinders my creativity. Anyway it gave me an idea to make a special DATS only one for this place since it's obvious I rushed my last one lol.

*On topic* Curious question is anyone planning to get the D2 remake on PSP. I'm on the bench about it since I have it already on PS2, but some of the new content looks fun. Just not really sure it's worth it though for a few new characters, and little things like that.

MAY 2008


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
Role;101518 said:
You were expecting love? I ain't Flonne.
Don´t worry, we know~ (Or does anybody of you think Flonne would love to have a Banhammer? XD (Just kidding ^^)

I´m not planning on getting it: I don´t want to play the (ok, almost) same game with 2 different teams (Don´t say remake them, it´s impossible to 100% remake a character) (also, I´m just too lazy to level up again)

Looking on my next pic, it doesn´t seems to be so bad to be a prinny XD



Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
Yes, it seems to be that case XD

By the way, what´s your opinion of the manga?

New "equipment" for Kurtis XD


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The manga has pretty good art, but I will need to find a translation online before I can give you an honest opinion though. :(

Lol at the last comic but there is a small problem, I can't imagine Laharl would ever be that generous :p

fun fact: you probably knew this already actually, but if you have a thief high enough level you can actually steal the horse wiener in game from the 'special' zombie boss. :p


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Actually, you can steal it with anyone. More shocking is that it comes in all three varieties - Common, Rare, and Legendary. If you want all three types, you've literally gotta go through the game no less than three separate times. Needless to say, it's a PAIN for those whom are going for item completion...