Rockman Screenshoots


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
No, for me, my full-synchro..

I was in Full-Synchro mode only few times...

Anyway, I don't think you'll be able to get past Auriga General in that state, you know?

Yes... : ) Ariuga is very hard, even visible. But Apollon Flame is almost madnes (even with water chips).


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
He has regenerating aura and he's very speedy. Very hard is to beat him (for me).


New Member
I often go to Full-Synchro when playing MBN
And, in RnR, i go to that mode when facing Andry Inf. and Pega Magic SP


New Member
That's that
I wrote about Full-sync in my presentation about Rockman.EXE
I linked it with medical science


New Member
Congrats, seems like you guys have gained a lot of posts too

Say, it seems like Kaiser Delta Breaker can only be used once
Am i right?