Eh, I'm not mad if that's what it sounded like. The question just shows up a lot and I always have to give the same boring answer. I just didn't want to seem like I was ignoring you.
If you'd like me to embellish, I study med textbooks in the mornings and then I work part-time at night, sometimes ending at around 11pm each time. I also volunteer for the city on days when I'm off work, and a single project can take up to 6 hours with transportation time included (New York City has five boroughs and sometimes I'll have to travel to each one :x). Whatever free time I have, I like using to hang out with my friends, and I also like using it for my onkei-internet-time when I can do something completely mindless/make fandom stuff. So sometimes translations get stalled and even ignored and left to gather dust because I put a lot more importance on those other factors of my life.
I guess I'm biting off more than I can chew. But I assure you that translating is a hobby that I love to do. And I love Digimon, so double the enjoyment for me!
![Smile :] :]]()
It just takes a lot of time that I sometimes choose not to give up.
If readers are tolerant of my erratic schedule and they keep tabs of my translations to the end - well, that's what I call being a true fan.

I can only be truly grateful for that.