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  1. Zodiac

    Shit, we've been suiton'd

    I meant "leaving the points he awarded to himself" in the negatives. And alright, /me revokes an infinite number of points from suiton, leaving him (her?) with whatever fraction of his infinity I didn't take, which expands to fill the container.
  2. Zodiac

    Shit, we've been suiton'd

    Well too bad, it was imaginary in the first place, so I'm toying with what you toy with. Yes, lolz indeed. o_o /me revokes another 9000 points, leaving you in the negatives, unless you had "over" 18000 points in the first place. [/sarcasm, I guess] Don't you know that double-posting is...
  3. Zodiac

    Shit, we've been suiton'd

    Ah no, I was just feebly attempting to drive suiton away. Nothing to see here folks. Carry on...
  4. Zodiac

    Shit, we've been suiton'd

    And to think that you created a whole account here just to post that... /me revokes 9000 of your suiton-point awards, leaving whatever was "over" to compensate.
  5. Zodiac

    Shit, we've been suiton'd And here I thought... wait a sec... wtf? Who is this guy?
  6. Zodiac

    Japanese Particle Explanation

    I know that, I just think it's weird anyway.
  7. Zodiac

    Japanese Particle Explanation

    I see. So really, "desu" just means "to be"? Weird. Very weird.
  8. Zodiac

    RP: Dragon Drive

    RP: Dragon Drive Here's a little RP(G?) project over the holidays (that probably won't go many places because I suck at making RP's.) that I decided to make based on watching too much of the Dragon Drive anime from this series in a very short time (about 4 days). I thought it would break some...
  9. Zodiac

    Japanese Particle Explanation

    ...I see. But doesn't "desu" serve as a politeness thing? It's really confusing.
  10. Zodiac

    DVD format

    Well, in order to be compatible with all DVD players, then. You must have a different program. Sorry if I wasn't any help. :D
  11. Zodiac

    Japanese Particle Explanation

    I thought "desu" was strictly a politeness thing, because "私は隆" is completely valid, meaning "I am ryuu". (At least to my knowledge. It's been used a lot of times.) My friend who knows Japanese told me the same thing, that "desu" meant "to be". I believe "ga" can be used in sentences where...
  12. Zodiac

    DVD format

    You can burn a DVD for free, but it won't be playable on a DVD player unless you convert whatever file you use to a VOB file.
  13. Zodiac

    Japanese Particle Explanation

    Okay, let's see... が is a subject marker (e.g. 君が止める means "you will stop" or "you stop"; I forget which) while を is an object marker (e.g. 僕を放して means "let me go"). What's confusing to me is that は (pronounced わ) is also a subject marker (a "topic marker", if you will; I don't understand the...
  14. Zodiac

    DVD format

    BTW, if you want your DVD to be playable in a DVD player, you should use a CSS encoder. (CSS is the copy-protection method used by DVD's.) But those cost $$$... I only know how to burn DVD-playable DVD's through Linux.
  15. Zodiac

    Recruiting QCers

    I'd join if I didn't have a lot of homework...
  16. Zodiac

    Inazuma Eleven Name Analysis

    I guess the "Endou Mamoru" just means "goalie". Anyway, I didn't know that 円 translated to 元 (圆) in Chinese. I wasn't aware that the word was spelt that way. Anyway, (makuusu) isn't the same as (makusu). The latter can be interpreted as Max, but the first one emphasises the U (マクース as opposed...
  17. Zodiac

    A Story of Gemini?

    A Story of Gemini? I've made "A Story of Forte" for EXE, so why not "A Story of Gemini" to explain the origins of Ryuusei? It would probably actually date back to 20XX though, after Lan's death. Who would support me on this project?
  18. Zodiac

    DZ On-Air Tracker Removed

    And I'm very bad at interpreting sarcasm. :D Of course it will happen, not suddenly or permanently, as you said, but not completely either. I know for one thing, as soon as I turn 18, it'll be reduced for me drastically.
  19. Zodiac

    DZ On-Air Tracker Removed

    Then why do you do this in the first place? If you know it's illegal, than why start? You're only getting yourself into trouble. o_o If you're really of that opinion, then you probably would have shut down a long time ago, considering how principled the lot of us are. @megumi: It'll happen...
  20. Zodiac

    DZ On-Air Tracker Removed

    Who's Ali? Vande? And they're not illegal everywhere; just in the US and possibly the EU, where it's on the borderline anyway. Get them up on a different tracker. I think I might be interested in Zoids.