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  1. Zodiac

    The Cybeasts (My Fanfic)

    Chapter 4... finally. *bump* UPDATE: Chapter 4 is finally out! Here's the link: [link no longer exists]
  2. Zodiac


    Don't worry. I have exams in 2 weeks as well, so I might not be there to read it anyway. (Although I most likely will be, because exams aren't that big of a deal for us yet since we're only in Grade 9...) Anyway, if you can't even write your own fanfic because you're too busy, don't bother...
  3. Zodiac

    Re: Fireball

    Then that means they're absurdly low quality. I understand that.
  4. Zodiac

    Re: Fireball

    FLV's can be converted. Don't get into that much of a pickle... Jared. (Well, unless said FLV's are absurdly low quality... then I know what you mean.)
  5. Zodiac


    I can understand you having a life. (Just like I can understand Puku Anime having a life... it's just that they've taken significantly more than 2 months to release even one episode! They had lives before...are these two months any different?) You guys have graduation too? Which grade? (Don't...
  6. Zodiac


    Hmm... This one was better, by some measure. Plus on that, since I can't triple-post on my fanfic page until I actually finish issue 3, I'm starting to work on chapter 5 of my "Ryuusei.EXE - Forward to the Past" fanfic. It's currently at scene 26, and It's turning into "Ryuusei.EXE Zero", and...
  7. Zodiac

    My webcomic...

    My webcomic... I make a webcomic that just got a new post... in about a month! I mostly make them on any interesting thing I find. It's not a regular comic, so don't expect even one post a week, but sometimes I can make two in a day! So, keep your eyes out. [link removed] And no, it is...
  8. Zodiac


    If you want to watch the show, it's available for download on GRN (GeoRockman.Net), a branch of DATS. (It's mostly based on EXE for now... I'll finish chapter 6 and then wait until the Ryuusei storyline is completely finished (I don't think even RnR 3 will be the final one) before starting to...
  9. Zodiac


    Hmm... the ending is kind of rushed again... I don't know why, but for some reason I think you gave Alex too easy a victory there... even if it wasn't a real victory, he did escape too quickly. Maybe you could have made Zane attack him a few times more before he struggled up and pushed the three...
  10. Zodiac


    That's... 5 PM EST. Today is Victoria Day! (Well, in the Commonwealth anyway. I live in Canada, so we pay attention to British holidays that aren't chiefly British.)
  11. Zodiac


    I realize, but I mean both constellations, if they existed, might intersect, so the Sun might have been in both at the same time.
  12. Zodiac

    Betrayal - Ryuusei fic, One-shot, spoilerific, rated G

    Sworn off fanfics, huh... I've also just recently started writing them. But no one seems to be reading my work at all. Do I absolutely have to post them on the site in order for people to read it?
  13. Zodiac

    Minutes to Twilight

    I'd probably pay $20 for it, if I had the money. But, are you sure your audience is wide enough? If it were 400 to 500 pages, but you were an experienced author like J.K. Rowling, my price would go up to about $40. But I think you should start with about 200 first, to see the initial reaction...
  14. Zodiac

    Minutes to Twilight

    "defiantly" is another word altogether. But yes, I d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y would like to read this later. Anyway, "plagerize" isn't a word either. MAybe I shoudl make a website called "".
  15. Zodiac

    The Cybeasts (My Fanfic)

    *bump* UPDATE! I have my Internet back, so I'm posting the first 3 chapters here. [links no longer exist] Chapter 4 is kind of a mess now, so I might take a while to post that one up.
  16. Zodiac


    Well, wouldn't a Serpentarius just be a Pisces? I think it's actually "Serpentia", which is a different constellation altogether.
  17. Zodiac


    Well, what I meant by "furry" was, kind of like short fur, with human skin underneath. Nothing you wouldn't find on a boy with extra testosterone. The long sharp fingernails thing makes him look like a goth of some sort. I would do a sketch, but it might not be loyal to the original...
  18. Zodiac


    I wonder if someone could make a picture sketch of Alex Moore and his Fallen Angel mutation. That would be kind of cool... (You know, for some reason, a lot of popular stories that I like involve humans changing form in some way or another. It's just a weird thing I've noticed.) What do the...
  19. Zodiac


    First comment! Your story seems okay... (however based on astrology it is... so is Ryuusei.) ...but in some areas, the story seems a little rushed. For example, in chapter 2: "he mutated and flew back home." It just seemed kind of rushed when I read it. I'm starting to second-guess that, but...
  20. Zodiac

    The Cybeasts (My Fanfic)

    The Cybeasts (My Fanfic) [no longer exists.]