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  1. Zodiac

    Firefox 3 Download Day

    *update* (sorry for the double post) ...and, the day is officially over! As of about 5 minutes ago, the final score for Download Day is 8,252,518! Good job, Firefox 3! You beat your previous "record" by 400%.
  2. Zodiac

    Firefox 3 Download Day

    IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!! No, it's over 8 million. There's still 24 minutes to go.
  3. Zodiac

    Firefox 3 Download Day

    Wow, triple posts... As of 06:40:00 EDT (10:40:00 GMT), the download count is at 5,807,520. Keep going! Reach for 7 million! (And no, 5 million is not "record break". This is the first record being set for this accomplishment. I wonder if Firefox 4 will break its own record...)
  4. Zodiac

    Firefox 3 Download Day

    Wow, 2 hits already? Anyway, there's still about 14 hours and 12 minutes to go, and they're now back up to 2,800,000 again! Go, Firefox!
  5. Zodiac

    How is my new avvie? (as a vote)

    I guess that's an approval score of +2/-0 (100%). Alright, even if you never asked for the tutorial, here it is so that you won't have to ask... (BTW, I'm analogizing each step to a step in fansubbing. XD) 1. "Raws" - Get the raw file. Well, of course you need a raw file to work on... if...
  6. Zodiac

    How is my new avvie? (as a vote)

    How is my new avvie? (as a vote) I whipped this up in all of 30 minutes. You can see blurred text at the bottom, because I tried to blur out the lyrics as well as I could. Source: Rockman.EXE Beast opening theme, 1:16 frame 11/30 Edited with: GIMP Time: approx. 30 minutes Size: 128 x...
  7. Zodiac

    Firefox 3 Download Day

    It's a final release, so I don't see why there should be that many bugs... I started using it since its alpha 1, and never encountered any big problems other than not-working add-ons.
  8. Zodiac

    Firefox 3 Download Day

    ...really?!? Thanks! Anyway, bad news, the counter's down back down to 1.25 million, because, I'm guessing, of multiple downloads from the same IP. GWR's recording this, so they have to be as strict as possible.
  9. Zodiac

    Firefox 3 Download Day

    It's right now. There's still... 20 hours and 16 minutes left, according to my system clock. Get it here: It hasn't actually reached 3,000,000 yet, but it's quite damn close, and it's also quite damn close to 4 hours. :D
  10. Zodiac

    Firefox 3 Download Day

    Firefox 3 Download Day Download Day is now officially over. The final score is 8,252,518, 5 times the number of downloads on the previous release. Download Day is an event by Firefox set to create a new world record for most copies of a piece of software downloaded in the first 24 hours of...
  11. Zodiac

    Emi's AMVs... - Updated 6/10/2008

    Meh, that works too. Gives you a nice widescreen effect, too... (unless there are images that are actually at the bottom of the screen... that would be bad.)
  12. Zodiac

    In DESPERATE need of Penguin QCers!

    ...and I guess you have your QC'ers! I'll say no thanks, then...
  13. Zodiac

    Emi's AMVs... - Updated 6/10/2008

    Ah. Sorry about that then... but I meant the first one. The explanation is on the second. If you can find the raws, please replace them... the AMV's themselves are okay, though...
  14. Zodiac

    In DESPERATE need of Penguin QCers!

    ...I might try it out for a while. If it doesn't look to me like I can do a very good job, you can take me off the list. I don't really commit myself to much... (so it was RollEXE who could see the new forum? okay then...)
  15. Zodiac

    Emi's AMVs... - Updated 6/10/2008

    Man, I want to learn to make AMV's! As well, you could have used the raw versions... the subtitles really take away from the AMV effect.
  16. Zodiac

    In DESPERATE need of Penguin QCers!

    Mistakes...? I don't know Japanese, though... the only thing I could look for is mistakes in timing or the English gist of the subtitles. I can QC for that, even if I do have exams, since they only take up half the day and studying... well... let's say that I don't use my time productively...
  17. Zodiac

    In DESPERATE need of Penguin QCers!

    I don't know how to do QC. If I did, I would apply.
  18. Zodiac

    General discussion

    Where does "Vamdemon" come from, anyway? I thought the default sound for "n" was "n".
  19. Zodiac

    The Cybeasts (My Fanfic)

    *bump* (huh, no bumping required... my post is already at the top. Oh, whatever!) UPDATE! Just to tell everyone, I'm making a new fic. It's titled, "A Story of Forte", and entails the entire story about how I'll have chapter 01 posted soon. It was originally supposed to be a miniature...
  20. Zodiac

    The Cybeasts (My Fanfic)

    ...yeah, I use a lot of those. They get less after the first few chapters, though. I'll have Chapter 5 up in a few days, but I might be held back due to exams.