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  1. Zodiac

    Project Updates

    Well, you've got a lot of new staff working on it now, so there's no worries. Well, actually, Yu-Gi-Oh has even less original-staff-interest, and that's not going to be getting anywhere soon.
  2. Zodiac

    One year and one day...

    Alright, then. So basically, 2 is kind of a corollary to 1? That is, if FUNimation licenses an anime, they're pretty much guaranteed to provide an official English sub? Alright, then, cool.
  3. Zodiac

    One year and one day...

    Alright, thanks. That was what I was looking for. But why would FUNimation be an exception? (Did DATS have an issue with them before?)
  4. Zodiac

    One year and one day...

    It's weird, though. The way that nobody's doing it, you'd think it was licensed. I believe that DATS has a no-licensed-show policy? If not, I remember seeing something somewhere... (and I honestly think that licensing should not stop a fansub immediately, it should only be when something of the...
  5. Zodiac

    One year and one day...

    I honestly don't know why more fansub groups aren't doing it. I don't think it's licensed. (Shoot me if it is.)
  6. Zodiac

    One year and one day...

    Oh. Well then, might we be able to do what I suggested, after Stream is finished? (If somebody would be so kind as to buy the DVD's... I don't know where to find them, personally, so I can't do that.)
  7. Zodiac

    One year and one day...

    Yikes, repeat post. No idea why that happened. And I can't delete it either.
  8. Zodiac

    One year and one day...

    That's not what I meant... I meant that if WPP never really does complete the episodes, we can do it independently. No cooperation required. Or would you rather not work on projects that another fansub group is already working on, out of respect?
  9. Zodiac

    One year and one day...

    Oh, you know what, once we finish Stream, we can also finish Beast from where WPP left off, if they don't release episode 25 by then. But somebody will have to find the raws.
  10. Zodiac

    One year and one day...

    I'm not saying that you're bad at grammar in general, I'm trying to prove my own worth as an editor. :D Well, a certain chance is a high chance, so I don't think even then the context works well...
  11. Zodiac

    One year and one day...

    Ehh, while we're on the subject of potential editors, that comma between "not" and "100%" seems misplaced. The way it's structured now, it sounds like "if not high, then 100% chance" instead of the probably intended "if not 100%, then high chance".
  12. Zodiac

    One year and one day...

    Ah, Beast 19 has been released...? (After a year and a month...) Only 7 more episodes to go! Let's just hope that after Stream is done, they'll have done a bit more.
  13. Zodiac

    One year and one day...

    So, wait, if it's "Mega Man" with 2 capitals, then why doesn't "Rock Man" follow the same nomenclature?
  14. Zodiac

    One year and one day...

    I would like to help edit Beast+ (and Beast+ only, seeing as how I'm TL-ing Stream), but I'm TL-ing Stream, so that's a no-go if the editor needs to be editing both. I consider myself fairly (just to be modest and hide my arrogance) proficient in the English language, but my knowledge of...
  15. Zodiac

    We're back~

    So yeah... downtime sucks. Let's continue?
  16. Zodiac

    [Game] Anime/Manga Pic Trivia~ (Not Dial-up friendly)

    It's not hentai, it looks like a baby's bottom. That being said, I don't know.
  17. Zodiac

    [Game] Anime/Manga Pic Trivia~ (Not Dial-up friendly)

    It's not hentai, it looks like a baby's bottom. That being said, I don't know.
  18. Zodiac

    Japanese text from video games (MORE). Please translate.

    Perhaps the one on top doesn't real "Norma", but "Ba-re-ma"?... Just a suggestion. But I guess "Norma" makes the most sense. I think it's supposed to be "normal".
  19. Zodiac

    SPLICE™ - a new word game!

    SPLICE™ - a new word game! Um, no, it's not a brand name, I just put the TM sign there for no good reason whatever, and now I'm requesting to get it removed. It's a word game called SPLICE, kind of like a cryptic crossword, but with each clue being separate, and different clues joining...
  20. Zodiac

    Shit, we've been suiton'd

    Well, no, infinity minus infinity is not always zero. You need to be talking about the same infinity, and in this case, infinity is not well defined and therefore each infinite quantity is not equal to the others, so I'm probably just confusing you with jargon. At least he's not a real troll...