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  1. Zodiac

    The Rule Game

    1. All rules must be a different color than the last five rules of this set. 2. Even numbered rules are to be overlined, while odd numbered rules cannot. 3. No rule may limit the number of letters in words/rules and number the of words in rules 4. All odd numbered ruled are to be bolded, while...
  2. Zodiac

    The Rule Game

    1. All rules must be a different color than the last five rules of this set. 2. Even numbered rules are to be overlined, while odd numbered rules cannot. 3. No rule may limit the number of letters in words/rules and number the of words in rules 4. All odd numbered ruled are to be bolded, while...
  3. Zodiac

    The Rule Game

    1. All rules must be a different color than the last three rules of this set. 2. No rule may limit the number of words and/or letters in a rule 3. Odd rules are to be bolded. 4. Every new rule must have a numb3r somewhere in the rule. 5. Even numb3red rules cannot be bolded. 6. Every rule must...
  4. Zodiac

    The Rule Game

    1. All rules must be a different color than the last three rules of this set. 2. No rule may limit the number of words and/or letters in a rule 3. Odd rules are to be bolded. 4. Every new rule must have a numb3r somewhere in the rule. 5. Even numb3red rules cannot be bolded. 6. Every rule...
  5. Zodiac

    Futa's birthday

    Happy birthday, mister "two circles"!
  6. Zodiac

    The Rule Game

    1. No rule may contain any BBCode. 2. No rule can be longer than nine words. 3. Three sentences. Seven words. Grammatical correctness optional. 4. Two letter word. Anywhere. At any point. 5. no capitals. anywhere. not even proper nouns. 6. one end. both end. we restart both. 7. no...
  7. Zodiac

    The Disgaea thread

    No, that was only a response to you responding to Vincentdante's revival of the thread. I thought you were whacking him with something. Anyway, I don't have any of those consoles you listed, so... I guess I won't be playing Disgaea anytime soon.
  8. Zodiac

    The Rule Game

    1. No rule may contain any BBCode. 2. No rule can be longer than nine words. 3. Three sentences. Seven words. Grammatical correctness optional. 4. Two letter word. Anywhere. At any point. 5. no capitals. anywhere. not even proper nouns. 6. one end. both end. we restart both. 7. no...
  9. Zodiac

    The Rule Game

    1. No rule may contain any BBCode. 2. No rule can be longer than nine words. 3. Three sentences. Seven words. Grammatical correctness optional. 4. Two letter word. Anywhere. At any point. 5. no capitals. anywhere. not even proper nouns. Clarification of my rule in the fake sig: If it is...
  10. Zodiac

    The Rule Game

    o____________o I can't believe I missed that. 1. No rule may contain any BBCode. 2. No rule can be longer than nine words. 3. Three sentences. Seven words. Grammatical correctness optional. _________________ 1. You must also post a fake sig, in which an entirely separate rule set will...
  11. Zodiac

    The Rule Game

    Wow, you really can't count for your life. ¬_¬ And you couldn't follow the rule right after your own... "No rule mmay have commas"... Alright, let's restart. (Oh, yeah, forgot to mention, rules that break other rules don't apply... :D) 1. No rule may contain any BBCode. _________________...
  12. Zodiac

    The Disgaea thread

    Oh, that picture is a Disgaea reference...? I would never know, having never played Disgaea. (I welcome the flames that will inevitably ensue.)
  13. Zodiac

    The Disgaea thread

    Hold on, that doesn't look like a banhammer... What did you hit him with?!? :p
  14. Zodiac

    Japanese Entymology

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~\o\ (Running backwards) Don't need the emphasis at the end, I know it's a joke. :3 But hey, my teeth drills are still on. *Bites Warrock for making the suggestion, satisfying the "li" principle* By the way, didn't I tell you that I'm not human? I'm actually a heavenly...
  15. Zodiac

    The Rule Game

    You both broke rule 1... you each had a 9-letter word ("italicize" and "spellingg") when the longest word was 8 letters. (And rule 5 broke rule 3 with the word "a".) Anyway, I'll change your rules around a little bit to make them compliant (not really hard, it just requires some tweaking :)...
  16. Zodiac

    The Rule Game

    It's all right, I understand. No hard feelings. :) I wasn't trying to assume intelligence. (There are many, many people who are much smarter than I am, and much more knowledgeable at that.) It matters not what type of code you use, obviously. But please be sure to put comments in there like...
  17. Zodiac

    The Rule Game

    Well, first of all, you completely ignored the "excluding the initial statement" part... that means that "henceforth" is not part of the rule that is affected. The word "underlined" is one letter longer than "statement". Let's start over, shall we? 1. No rule may contain a word longer than the...
  18. Zodiac

    The Rule Game

    Alright. Just because your argument is so convincing. 1. By the grace of God, I hereby decree that all rules, henceforth, must start with "By the grace of God, I hereby decree that all rules, henceforth..." and be in YellowGreen. 2. By the grace of God, I hereby decree that all rules...
  19. Zodiac

    Japanese Entymology

    It's not because you're a god. I just forgot to put my teeth drills in. >:3 *bites Koroku, revealing the circuitry under his skin* Oh my god [no pun intended], you're a...[dies from shock] [revives again, on order of Futamaru] So it means "the island of encounters and passion" then?
  20. Zodiac

    Japanese Entymology

    *tries to bike Koroku in retaliation, but his skin is like metal*