Yeah. TLoU exceeded my expectations. I watched it just because the theme is... Kinda different...I explain what Law of Ueki is and nobody wants to watch it... I even tell them it's better than it sounds, but nobody believes me xD
*pats a lot*Also, I officially give up on love. Chest hurts so bad I can hardly breathe right now ;x (kind-a sad I always only say negative things here... I swear it's not intentional. I actually opened dats on a new tab, was all ready to post about how I called in today and am gonna anime marathon 'n stuff, was all happy. Then I get a text from a friend showing my as-of-minutes-ago-ex is definitely cheating. So yea... now it's typical depressed little shit Lige ;x)
I know this is always a spam place and I do rant on about random things, but, sorry if it's annoying anyone, but it's kind of helping distract me from... 2nd post of the set o_o
Due to being overworked and sleepy all the time, gave up (temporarily) on opening MC server, after spending like $500 on maps and the logo 'n stuff... #pro
YeahI don't think anyone here would complain, also sometimes it already helps just to tell someone your problem...
I has that. Been looking for people to play with for a while.Been playing Terraria.
I has that. Been looking for people to play with for a while.