Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Also, I officially give up on love. Chest hurts so bad I can hardly breathe right now ;x (kind-a sad I always only say negative things here... I swear it's not intentional. I actually opened dats on a new tab, was all ready to post about how I called in today and am gonna anime marathon 'n stuff, was all happy. Then I get a text from a friend showing my as-of-minutes-ago-ex is definitely cheating. So yea... now it's typical depressed little shit Lige ;x)


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
-.- Why do things normally sound cool, but, mood gets ruined and they all sound mediocre? Now I dunno what to watch ;(


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
OH! Wait, I wanted to rewatch some things ;o long time + old age + bad memory + nostalgia talking about anime with friends = made me wanna rewatch Law of Ueki and or MAR.


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
I explain what Law of Ueki is and nobody wants to watch it... I even tell them it's better than it sounds, but nobody believes me xD


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Oh, and not sure if i mentioned I got back into WoW recently? (well, a month ago) -- for first time ever I have 2 current-max-level characters ;o I've been playing since vanilla yet I've never had more than 1 char at max level. #lazy. It's funny too cause the latest expansion kind of sucks. Guess having friends to play with again lured me into it? *shrug* I'm probably quitting again soon though, my 2 friends who started WoW didnt seem to like it. My RL friend and I who been playing together on/off since 1st expansion still do stuff, but meh. Gets repetative and boring ;x


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Due to being overworked and sleepy all the time, gave up (temporarily) on opening MC server, after spending like $500 on maps and the logo 'n stuff... #pro


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
I know this is always a spam place and I do rant on about random things, but, sorry if it's annoying anyone, but it's kind of helping distract me from... 2nd post of the set o_o


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Oh, in other news, my mom is in surgery right now. It's not a major surgery, but, she could die. The last 2 times she had surgery she didn't wake up. They had to re-start her heart and stuff. This time she has a do not resuscitate order. So if she doesn't wake up, she doesn't wake up.


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
As much as I hate her for reasons I've expressed in the pat, I'm still kind of sad at the thought.


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Guess that's humanity? Care about people even if they physically/mentally abuse us, just cause they gave us life or w/e... *shrug*


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
My dog is stupid. He wants to sleep with me (laying in bed atm) but at same time he keeps running to door in case someone comes home. (I'm his "last choice"), but if I let him out, he realizes nobody out there then whines to be let back in.


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
hm... so glad I called in today tho in retrospect. If i had got that text at work, I'd have probably fallen apart 'n stuff o_o


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
So re-watch sut'm... Doctor Who... or... find a new thing if something sounds good... Hmm...


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
hm... found 2 things that just started (1 ep so far ;-; ) that sound interesting though...