...what happened to Pages?

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Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
...mecha mecha kakkou ee yarou - careful of the small つ and I think for the last one...you prolly got @_@ and took や as za

B+ :p

yeah, that za was a typo (don´t ask how I did that ^^""")


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
...mecha mecha kakkou ee yarou - careful of the small つ and I think for the last one...you prolly got @_@ and took や as za

B+ :p

so the small つ means "kk" or how do I have to read it?


Staff member
That Girl With the Hair
The small tsu doubles the constant after it. For example: だって Or かっこう Or そっと Would be Datte, Kakkou, and Sotto respectively. Though I don't know if any of those are real words, I was just giving you an example.


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
The small tsu doubles the constant after it. For example: だって Or かっこう Or そっと Would be Datte, Kakkou, and Sotto respectively. Though I don't know if any of those are real words, I was just giving you an example.

Ah, I get it now~
Thanks alot ^^


Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text
and 2 more questions:

1. What about the "-" ?
Do I understand right that it means I have to double the letter before it? (example: ド---ン = doooon (don´t know how to write it with japanese keyboard))

2. How exactly does a sound change if it ends with "シ"? (I sometimes noticed it after sound effects, but if the scanlators transliterate it, it´s no in the transliteration)


Staff member
That Girl With the Hair
The ー is for a long vowel sound. As for the tsu at the end of sound effects, I asked someone once, it's supposed to kinda... cut the sound short...? I don't really know who to explain that....
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