Translator, empty...

sou! kore wa oosaka benya! Mechamechakatsukoueezarou.
Oh, Warrock, long time no see.
Event in school?
...mecha mecha kakkou ee yarou - careful of the small つ and I think for the last one...you prolly got @_@ and took や as za
...mecha mecha kakkou ee yarou - careful of the small つ and I think for the last one...you prolly got @_@ and took や as za
The small tsu doubles the constant after it. For example: だって Or かっこう Or そっと Would be Datte, Kakkou, and Sotto respectively. Though I don't know if any of those are real words, I was just giving you an example.
Tell me something we didn't know...? xDTo Aru Majutsu no Index is amazing!!!
holy fuck yes.
holy fuck yes.
You look... standing out...