I dunno. I still have plans of trying to get some hosting and starting up my own website.o.o Weird curiosity xP

<_< So yeah, weird curiosity is weird.
I dunno. I still have plans of trying to get some hosting and starting up my own website.o.o Weird curiosity xP
What do you mean?Yeah, I said that, not sure if it was overlooked or if didn't believe me =o
LAZYASSSSSxP I figured, was too lazy to look.
Thanks again for buying teh stuff. Having half the money for my passport towards finally getting a "break" to fix my life 'n all that crap is making me extremely happy xD
Now I just need-a get my dad to drive me somewhere to get a passport photo... Like Walmart o_o.
Not sure how loosely you use the term "friend", but whether it applies easily to people you know for a while or to people you actually consider friends I appreciate it either wayYou're welcome, blade likes helping his friends.
Just remember to play them in order, as certain elements are much better if you don't spoil them by playing them in the incorrect order.I've only ever played the demo of a Jak game, but it seemed awesome ^.^... If I ever get back to a financially stable stand-point, I'll probably try 'n pick up that series sometime in the future.
I usually do, but sometimes I'm lazy and if I can't find the first one I'll just grab whatever. I'll try and be good about that though since I really would like to follow the series. I've never really followed many games through... Only really Gears of War, Megaman Battle Nework, and... I guess Resident EvilJust remember to play them in order, as certain elements are much better if you don't spoil them by playing them in the incorrect order.
Not sure how loosely you use the term "friend", but whether it applies easily to people you know for a while or to people you actually consider friends I appreciate it either way. This thread wouldn't be any fun without you and Megumi, so I definitely think of you as a friend as well
I usually do, but sometimes I'm lazy and if I can't find the first one I'll just grab whatever. I'll try and be good about that though since I really would like to follow the series. I've never really followed many games through... Only really Gears of War, Megaman Battle Nework, and... I guess Resident Evil. I'm so not a gamer, even though I wanna be xD...