...what happened to Pages?

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A Translator, Not So Diligent...
Staff member
More importantly, it has a storyline that makes me enjoy, and let me indulge in fantasy.


A Translator, Not So Diligent...
Staff member
It's called a plane. I made a handmade katana out of a broomstick in two days with one.

It's a lot faster than a knife.

If it doesn't have complicated design on the grip, then swords are not hard to carve from wood.


A Translator, Not So Diligent...
Staff member
The cross was small, and had complicated design. I planned to have a faithful replica of it...


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
An image of a hand plane:


If you want to do quick wood work, get one. It quickly shapes the wood to the general size you want it to be.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
I just watched The Princess Bride. Such a funny movie, though the sword play was substandard. I could of beaten them myself.


Staff member
That Girl With the Hair
Oh yeah, more updates for Gumi.

After Hayato defeated Shitt P. Enma (The leader or Shimon) was very mad. In his rage he charged at Tsuna, who fought back for about a minute, until Emna told Tsuna that Iemitsu (Tsuna's dad in case you forgot) killed his family. Tsuna, went into shock, and stopped fighting. Enma then hit Tsuna a few more times, before he had to be carried away because his ring went crazy because it wasn't fully awakened. It was supposed to take 7 days until it was fully awakened. I don't actually know haw many days have gone by though. At least 2 I'd say. Anyway, Tsuna is now dead inside because he thinks his father killed someone. He doesn't even react when Reborn kicks him in the face. We then see Chrome, trying to escape after being kidnapped by someone named Julie, when said person walks into the room. He;s totally a pervert rapist or something... Anyway, he mentions something about Mukuro to Chrome, and she asks him how he knows the name. He says that Mukuro's illusions can't reach Chrome on the island they are on because of a magical barrier that isn't really explained. So, if Mukuro's illusions aren't reaching Chrome, who is creating her organs so she can live? Well, we soon get our answer as Julie says that he is the one keeping her alive. To prove it, he stops creating her magical illusion organs, and Chrome falls to the ground in pain while coughing up blood. Fun. Julie tells Chrome that the reason he is keeping her alive is because he needs her body. He then tells her that he can give her back her organs if she'll become his. To which Chrome refuses. As a reward for her stubborn-ness... Or maybe just because he can, he decides to tell Chrome a secret. That secret is that he was the one who made the Vongola and the Shimon family fight. Julie has two things he wants to accomplish by this, 1.) he wants the Vongola destroyed, 2.) He wants to use Chrome to get to Mukuro, and take his body. Awesome... now guess what? Julie is apparently very good at illusions, as he himself is an illusion, he isn't actually Julie, he's Daemon Spade, the first Guardian of the Mist that worked with Giotto. What a twist. Seriously, I didn't see that coming. So, Daemon magically brainwashes Chrome, and the chapter ends. How Daemon is still alive after hundreds of years, I have no idea. But yeah....


Local Mr. Cutesy!
Xen always thought he was likely the cause of the heart of the family's disdain considering his likeness to Mukuro who always has his own motives, but honestly, he wouldn't have thought he would act in the present. The "Mist" Dying Will Flame characters always are so complicated. @_@
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