((I know. Hmm, this'll slow you down.
Galikan: There is such a thing as a broken ability. You'll need a Reflector1, Reflector2, or Reflector3 chip to do that, and sadly, this ain't an EXE RP. Your barrier's a BIT too strong if it reflects. Blocking is fine, though.))
Enigma's story.
Suddenly, from the direction of the thing they were chasing, three small Mettena's suddenly rushed at Aurora. "Oi! Heads up!" These obviously weren't causing the problem, though. It seemed as if they had been thrown his way to try and deal with him.
Your HP: 100/100
MetennaA: 40/40
MetennaB: 40/40
MetennaC: 40/40
E = Enigma Supernal
m = Metenna
[Attack+10 ][PlsmaGun1 ][ParlyzPlus]
[WideSword ][PlsmaGun1 ][Attack+10 ]
"Tch, we were close, too. Let's blow through these things and catch up to it!"
((You have not designated your Favorite Cards, so I'm going to assume that none were selected. As always: Standard, Mega, Giga, White))
My Story:
She took hold of one of the Heat Ball 1 cards she had selected. "But... How do I..." As she spoke, the card morphed into the form of the Heat Ball. She stared at it for about half a second before what had happened registered in her mind, then freaked. "EEEEEK!" She threw it haphazardly, not aiming at all, but instead in a rather surprised manner. That had startled her. Though, it meant she'd wasted one of the cards she'd selected... Nova had mentioned something about--
Whoa. She was glowing red. Nova had mentioned that, though...
Though, this was probably no time to be second guessing. This time, trying not to let the sudden morphing of the cards startle her, she tried throwing the remaining heat ball at one of the... the... pickaxe... things...