Justice Bringer
Ryuusei no Rockman Abridged
Aurora Supernal and I are starting up an Abrigeded version of the fantastic Ryuusei no Rockman. We have some ideas of what we will do with it, and it looks very promising. The only problem is that we can not do it on our own and we would like to ask you (The fans of Ryuusei no Rockman) to help us out with some voice acting, ideas for the script or anything you can think of to help us re-create the story our (meaning us and all of you) way.
If anyone would willing to help please post underneath with ideas or just send me a personal message. Thank you for your help and hopefully we will see some good ideas from all of you
Aurora Supernal and I are starting up an Abrigeded version of the fantastic Ryuusei no Rockman. We have some ideas of what we will do with it, and it looks very promising. The only problem is that we can not do it on our own and we would like to ask you (The fans of Ryuusei no Rockman) to help us out with some voice acting, ideas for the script or anything you can think of to help us re-create the story our (meaning us and all of you) way.
If anyone would willing to help please post underneath with ideas or just send me a personal message. Thank you for your help and hopefully we will see some good ideas from all of you