Rockman Screenshoots


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo

You must beat all DX Enemies to get it. Single DX enemy is like two Ra Mu Xa :D


New Member
Beat Bly SX to complete the game to 100% before you face the Final Boss
I guess that's that

He has 3000 HP with very fast and damaging attacks


<b>Gaming Freak</b><br>Chip Library Evo
Nope. For all.

Normal Version, EX version, SP version, IF version and DX version. All versions You must beat to beat teh game. You may battle Burai SX after beating final version of final boss - Ra Mu Xalpha. DX versions are available by touch screen (read news about Giant version of virus).


Jack In!
So far all I know is this:
Bly has a SX and a DX. When he is a DX, he's gold and can do up to 500 Damage.

Empty also has a DX. Oh and SX comes before DX.