Role;68539 said:
Tell me where it says that Wily is Serges. TELL ME.
It's pretty obvious, as no one but Wily is capable of rebuilding Zero. His systems are impossible to analyze. Also, the silhouette in Power Fighters shows Zero with a Z-Saber & shoulder pads, which he only got when Serges rebuilt him. Or, should I say, when Wily rebuilt & finished him, at least to initial specifications.
Role;68539 said:
Where do you get those facts? How do you know that he's a newbie? Do you realize that Rock has only had 8 years of XP? Or is Nine now?
X is a hunter still rising the ranks in X1. Zero mentions how much he still has to grow. This is X1 X here, not seasoned Irregular Hunter X from like X5 or something.
Role;68539 said:
I'M BEING STUBBORN? You're the one who's being stubborn here, refusing to accept what EVERYONE ELSE knows to be fact.
Everyone else does not know this to be fact. It's not fact. It's conjecture.
Role;68539 said:
Apparently you missed the part where I said that the word Idiot isn't an insult anymore. Allow me to actually insult you, then, moron.
How is idiot not an insult? Also, I find it unnecessary for insulting to be occuring at all. What do you want me to say here, that you're right, I'm wrong, & all your conjecture is fact?
Role;68539 said:
Uh, no he doesn't. He doesn't have 'Two busters' per se. You might wanna double check those specs.
Role;68539 said:
He can't switch which side it's on, moron.
Since the sprites for the X2 & X3 armors use both arms, regardless of which direction X is facing, X has to let go of a ladder to fire the first or second shot, whichever one is the hand he uses to grab the ladder. I forget which one makes him drop.
Role;68539 said:
That's called Sprite Mechanics, it has to do with why even though Link is left handed, when facing the other way his sprite was simply flipped, and appears to be right handed instead. I can't believe you didn't see that. The same thing could be said about ANY SIDE SCROLLING PERSON OR THING.
If you're curious, the natural position for Mega Man sprites is facing left, as that's the only way Zero's Z on his shoulder armor is the correct way.
Role;68539 said:
Please leave your stupidity and failure to understand gaming basics such as sprite flipping out of discussions. You look stupid.
I look stupid? Ha, that's fun.
Vincentdante;68542 said:
ok this is getting out of hand and tbh I have stopped reading this argument about 5 posts up. Let's agree to disagree and say that we are capable of enjoying this game as we see fit, and just for the sake of more arguments also to agree that the story could go anywhere just until capcom see's fit to conclude the original series (if they ever will) linking it together finally.
I know, that's what
I said!