OMG Digimon Adventure 03! WITH SCREENSHOT


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
:( Yeahh.. Coming from here, even before checking the date, I assumed it was a troll xD

I wish it were true though... Adventure was teh best ;x... I liked all of 'em 'cept the new crap though <.< It was like power rangers meets transformers meets voltron = the new Digimon? *shrug*


Cause we all love Digimon Adventure and I hate Digimon Adventure 02!. I just finished rewatching the dub of Adventure and started on 02 Davis needs to die, Matt needs to die, TAIORA FOREVER! and when I finish I'm gonna watch the subs on netflix...


A Translator, Not So Diligent...
Staff member
Holy shit... Gotta check on my PC. Can't watch video on phone...


New Member
Dats, you should translate it, and make sure that your releases are softsubbed MKVs so I can take the subs and translate them to Arabic later :p



I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
The chances of that are pretty slim unless Ryan wants to translate xx