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Koroku;98194 said:*bites Futa*
I'll be next to you if I don't run away naaaoo ~~~~/o/

We better make some 'human sacrifices' as a regular ritual, on behalf of the Confucian value of li (礼),to appease the angry God, Lord Koroku and that he may not send out any supernatural things to smite us *looks at Zodiac* ~ Ideas from Chinese history - the Shang dynasty *from asian history class* lmao kidding xD
Is it? I thought Korean Grammar and Chinese grammar are the same...
*never studied Korean before*
Korean and Japanese grammar are almost the same. My Japanese teacher told me once she was 'disturbed' upon hearing a couple of Korean's talk to each other - she was able to make sense of it O_O

O well, history teaches us the continuity of culture in East Asia...so it isn't unusual to find a relation between Chinese, Japanese and Korean in some respects...*centuries of trade and diplomatic relations, and even the people themselves in recent genetic studies* Blend along with the Japanese and/or Koreans? Sure...lol. But the more important thing is, I appreciate the Japanese and the Koreans - mutual cultural development.