MugenSeiRyuu;75343 said:
What the heck? Someone actually voted for that?
Executing a step between a Holy Child and a Half-Holy-Half-Dark Perfect is probably complicated.
Also, I just voted for Shoujo, just for the heck of it. Yesss.
I know, but... at least let us know what it could be. Personally, I think it'd be the beginning of the fall - rather than being child-like in form, possibly more like an adolescent. They'd still be light, but a noticeable change in composure could be seen. Basically, the light woudln't be as 'pure' looking. Like... I dunno, Lucemon Temptation mode or something.
...Okay, that name sucked, but you get the jist. At least provide us with SOMETHING...
Anywho, my biggest problem with frontier is that about half way through it, the number of heroes drops from 6 to 2. The other 4 might as well not be there.
That's a BIG no-no! You NEVER do that! Even IF the main 2 get uber forms, the others need to actually be able to contribute other than some lame 'i gve u my pwar, kthnxbai' thing. Not only that, but they had 4 other children there that could have taken the other spirits that were NEVER used after their... er, capture. Potential... WASTED... because they took their own sweet time getting there, and by that time, the number of competent heroes dropped form 6 to 2 already.
There were so many things they could have done, but they totally blew it.