I am from Czech Republic. I speak fluently Czech, Slovak (let me explain this later) and English (even though my English-laguage teacher will oppose I'm fluent
). I also learned German, but I¨m not good in this language.
Now, as for Slovak goes. Since 1918, there were coutry called Czechoslovakia. It were united state for both, Czechs and Slovakians. With only exception between World War 2, when Hitler formed so-called Slovakian State, Czechoslovakia exists until the end of 1992, when Czechoslovakia were peaceably split into Czech Republic and Slovakia. In Czechoslovakia, both Czech and Slovak were official languages. Both languages are very simmilar and even though Czechs didn't learned Slovak language, and Slovaks didn't learned Czech language, they understand each oters. After split, Slovak language start to be more and more uncommon in Czech Republic and now, many Czech kids and youths have problem with Slovak language. I'm not the case fortunately, because I have relatives in Slovakia and I lived in the place where I am able to watch Slovakian TV stations. Therefore, I have no problem with Slovak language and am able to understand it.

Now, as for Slovak goes. Since 1918, there were coutry called Czechoslovakia. It were united state for both, Czechs and Slovakians. With only exception between World War 2, when Hitler formed so-called Slovakian State, Czechoslovakia exists until the end of 1992, when Czechoslovakia were peaceably split into Czech Republic and Slovakia. In Czechoslovakia, both Czech and Slovak were official languages. Both languages are very simmilar and even though Czechs didn't learned Slovak language, and Slovaks didn't learned Czech language, they understand each oters. After split, Slovak language start to be more and more uncommon in Czech Republic and now, many Czech kids and youths have problem with Slovak language. I'm not the case fortunately, because I have relatives in Slovakia and I lived in the place where I am able to watch Slovakian TV stations. Therefore, I have no problem with Slovak language and am able to understand it.