Hi there,
We're looking to hire a timer to help on our various projects. Work will be very variable; lots of stuff sometimes and nothing lots of times.
Please reply if you'd be interested in joining the team!
Special BBCodes
Here's a listing of the other BBCodes that we offer here on DATS.
The standard ones that XenForo offers are listed on this page, so what you see here is additional to those.
Special Features
HTML5 Audio
Allows you to link to an MP3 file and have it playable in the browser. Do...
I want to rewrite these to be like, a third (or less!) of the length.
What points do you guys think are important to keep, and what isn't? :)
It'd be nice to have some more people to watch the releases before they get released.
Reply if you'd be interested.
It's really simple; you watch and you note any mistakes.
Hi there,
Ikuto has vanished, and it's not looking like he's ever going to show up again.
We're looking for an archive server where we can put releases so they can actually be accessible beyond the first few months. We're a fansub group that dates back to 2006, and we still have people...
...in certain forums.
The Community Board and Fansub Release forums now allow guests to reply.
So you're no longer required to sign up if you want to reply. :)
...yeah, that's it.