Introducing the... DATS Wayback Machine.
If you've ever wondered why DATS doesn't have a website... well, besides the fact that we're lazy bums that could never keep it updated, we also had a thing for not getting a nice looking site working for longer than a few minutes.
For reference...
If you guys are curious, I'm also developing a music site for my own fun, along with DigiDisc. These are mainly time killers, and I'm also training myself on a bit of PHP coding. I kinda flip back and forth between the two, and I cross over the code when I get something I like.
I just finished...
Nothing interesting.
Just wanted to show everyone that I hung out with Jesus today. He's a pretty cool dude.
What did you do?
Well, at least a year older. :) (He's 19 now)
I've known this crazy kid for too long, I'm telling ya.
I know it's late in the day, so I hope you had a great one, Ry!
Yes, I know, not everyone here is from the US blah blah blah, but it's still an important holiday here, so I thought I'd wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving :)
There's a lot of things that I'm thankful for, and some of the people post in this very forum. While I may not be all that actively...
So, in my semi-normal searching to try and find a copy of the BCC version of Bootleg, I actually came across an interesting article.
From 2002, when the BCC version aired. HUH.
During filming on location in Australia he had to eat scores of bars of chocolate a day and now can't face eating any...