Why do you like RnR?


Jack In!
Let's see. How did I start to like RnR? I think I was watching some Battle Network game clips on youtube, no wait...that's right! A friend of mine was talking about Rockman Battle Network 7. I googled it and saw some pictures of RnR. I didn't know it was called RnR then. I thought it was some decendent of Netto. Then I started researching it. I went into viedo to see if their was some sort of game clip. Instead I found the anime! I really loved it. Then on Google Viedo I found the subbed episodes. Then after a while, when there didn't seem to be new subs, I stopped watching. Then the game came out in in the U.S. and then I started it all over again and joined Dats. Now I can get the dowloads directly it. The anime and game (and I guess manga) is just a nice refreshing thing.


Staff member
That Girl With the Hair
I like it because unlike Rockman.exe Subaru is a real person. No offence I do like exe but I like Ryuusei better. Thats.....pretty much it...I liked the game too. But it was to easy.


Shasta Beast
Its Subaru that does it for me. He's one of the few main characters in a kids show that I actually like. I can't say much for him in the game. But the anime is sweet. I also like the Misora/Subaru/Luna/Rockman thing too. Netto's chance of being cool was ruined by the english dub. Though I must admit I've had more fun with the BN series (Though I have three games I've only really played BN5DS) I like RnR's battles but the lack of chip codes means not sporting all your strongest cards in you folder is silly.


New Member
He's pretty cool in the game too. A bit more depressed, yeah, but he's a still a good person with not too many quirky sides.


New Member
Well bsically I just like both the anime and game 'cause it is ROCK series
At first i didn't really like the anime until i played the game :p still the snime work is not really good , the character somehow not really good

The Sixth Kakorat

New Member
I personally like Ryuusei simply because its the extenuation of EXE. However, the problem with the EXE series was that after Game 3/4, it just became repetitive and stale. I'd have liked there to have been EXE 7 on the DS, changes similar to what Ryuusei did with the game mechanics and a story concerning the descendant of Lan (that's what I'd hoped Subaru would be) finding the lost Megaman.EXE program in time for a crisis or whatever.

But that's just me.


New Member
Why i like RnR?

Well, to be true, i love EXE series, and i found out that RnR is somewhat the next gen of it
So, i then tried RnR and give it a watch. I love it
I think the agitating parts is the game, anime comes secondly


Wearer of Purple
Mainly, because it's a refreshing new Rockman.
It's space and wave-themed, rather than a "let's see which robots can be killed and returned to life more (I'm looking at you, Zero)" type theme.
The second series of Ryuusei improves it tenfold. It has mythology and yes, some magic, but blends so well with the technology, you can hardly tell.
Doubt it if you may, but apart from .EXE, Ryuusei comes the closest to being possible in the future, that may also be a factor.
There's also the little thing that War-Rock has a tendency to act and talk just like I would in those situations, and he uses a LOT of the smartass comments and remarks I use frequently, so being so similar to a character definitely helps my favor toward Ryuusei.
All in all, in my opinion it's almost the best in Rockman, second only to Legends.


<span style="color: deeppink;"><strong>#1 Subaru ♥
I bought RnR on a whim =D I hadn't played much Rockman series at all before it >_> What happened is I live in NY and my boyfriend being a huge fan asked if I could go get an autograph for him in Manhattan from Mr. Inafune. So, due to the fact that I got there early (4th on line) and was bored, I decided to go inside and look around. I ended up buying him a game to be signed, and having nothing better to do, bought one for myself as well.

I never expected to like it and I only bought the game for the autograph XD But I ended up liking it a lot.

Anime-wise, I ended up meeting a girl on LJ who also liked Luna and Subaru together so we talked a bit and she said the anime actually had some good points at times so I decided to check it out. While a lot of stuff still bothers me, episodes like 19, 46, and 47 make me happy <3


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
Episode 19 is, by far, one of the best episodes of the series. <3


<span style="color: deeppink;"><strong>#1 Subaru ♥
Scipio;21819 said:
Episode 19 is, by far, one of the best episodes of the series. <3

Yes. Yes it was =D (Even though most of my favorites is due to me being biased BUT STILL) The animation was good, and this is just the cutest picture EVER:

*does not care if she is partially biased*

But it was quite funny :p I don't know who I feel worse for, Subaru who had to deliver everything (Even though it wasn't too bad as he has his wave changing skills) or Luna who panicked when she thought Rockman was gone and bought like a bazillion packages to see him again XD


Mii-Chan's #1 fan!
Good story in the anime, so I like it, plus, since Rockman 1 came out for the famicom, I'e been a huge fan of everything rockman/megaman, except exe, I cried when I saw rockman wasnt a human/robot in reality. :'(


New Member
Yeah, epi 19, it's the best, i like it very much
I love the scene of Luna and Rockman
Wish that scenes like that would appear again in Tribe
Yay for Luna x Rockman!!!!

Hagaren Gao

Guess I'm fired now

I mean, it's just addicting! The characters are awesome, there are many times where I can actually feel genuinely happy or sad for them, and that doesn't happen too often. Even the bad guys are lovable (Well, Cancer Bubble's group at least, 'buku.), which is why I was genuinely mad at episode....53 I beleive. Gah Dx

It's only 10 minutes, which is great. Faster downloads AND short enough for me to watch during breakfast or while taking a break from doing homework or something. Of course, they are so addicting that I usually end up watching 3 or 4 of them...


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Why? Dunno. I don't tend to think about why, but just rather sit there and enjoy it.

Come to think of it, I don't think much at all...

...oooh, pretty colors...


<span style="color: deeppink;"><strong>#1 Subaru ♥
Trivial;22254 said:
Yeah, epi 19, it's the best, i like it very much
I love the scene of Luna and Rockman
Wish that scenes like that would appear again in Tribe
Yay for Luna x Rockman!!!!


And yeah, I enjoyed the backstories for the FMs as well as it was cool. I really loved Libra's game show and Wolf being a pet dog and all that...but because I learnt more about them, it really made me sad (Spoilers for anybody who hasn't finished season 1 of the anime yet ^^; )
when Gemini MURDERED them. I mean, I know you "defeated" them, but I figured they just kind of ran off, not actually killed. I mean, sure Ophiucus was electrocuted, but she was ready to fight more so again, I figured she was just weakened and ran off. I honestly cried seeing each one killed because I really grew to like them and see them getting adjusted.
Seriously, the only character I've disliked in the series is Misora/Harp Note (Before somebody says I'm biased, I disliked her before I even started liking Luna X Subaru :/ The way she talked to her little sprite and etc. just annoyed me) and Gemini (Gemini Spark I have mixed feelings about. I disliked him more in the anime, but in the game, only the black one was a jerk XP).

But yeah, I usually just try to sit back and enjoy it, otherwise I'd constantly be a critic. So, I just watch and hope no sad scenes happen and instead, more SxL ones d--*bricked* XD

Edit: And I had no idea so many people luffed episode 19 T~T It makes me and my site with it's build in fan listing that needs more members so happy inside.


After 100 Million Nights... I'm back!
One of the things I enjoyed most about the first season was that there always seemed to be approaches to the same type of character. Cygnus Wing and Gemini Spark were both "boss" FM aliens, one doing everything in the name of Cepheus, the other working behind the scenes for his personal good. Ox Fire and Wolf Forest were both hotheads who stood a chance of losing control during battle, which is why they hung out together so often. Cancer Bubble and Crown Thunder were both massive Misora Hibiki fans, of course little Cancer took his obsession much farther at times. Rockman even got two girls to fight over him in this one!

I'm liking Tribe now for the same reason I dug Rockman.exe Axess, the lead hero actually has a mission statement to fulfill. Since everyone knows who Rockman is, Subaru and War-Rock can focus on saving the world, this time through the OOParts quest.


<span style="color: deeppink;"><strong>#1 Subaru ♥
Are you sure? I think there are plenty of people who don't know Subaru is Rockman.

Luna is still in denial, I'm pretty sure Akane (Subaru's mom) doesn't know, and I'm not sure about Tsukasa...He might not. He supposably lost his memory so >_> And I can't think of how he would know. Also, Officer Copper doesn't know yet as his suspicions dropped in Episode 12

Though, I'm pretty sure everybody in the game knew by the end of it.


New Member
The duration of 10 minutes is indeed suitable for me
I often watch it when i have my lunch or dinner

All Subaru's close friend(Amachi, Utagai, Gonta, Kizamaro, Misora, Luna, Cancer Bubble) knows that Subaru is Rockman
Yeah, you're right Luna is still in denial about Subaru is actually Rockman
Tsukasa? I guess he know about that

The other enemy that i like instead of Cancer Bubble, is Gemini Spark
And, my zodhiac is also Gemini (Kinda coincidence, but i like it)
Any Gemini Spark fans here?