Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
bahaha, fell off my bike yesterday... landed on my face.

Split my lip, cut my chin, gouged my elbow, and skint up my knee \o/

So stupid. Especially when people ask me what happen...

Not even sure how I fell. I just remembering fall and thinking, "Fuck, this is gonna hurt."
Ouch :(


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
But you guys were having such a nice discussion. lolIt's original. All of the shops of that area sell older things. The majority of the shops are vintage. There were other older things as well. I even found some original Gen I Pokemon stuff. I was happy! I finally have a Vaporeon after all these years. Oh, I saw the Digimon Original Story cd too, but only one copy. There was only one copy of Bokura no Digital World too. Bokura no Digital World also wouldn't have gotten a reprint, if I'm not mistaken, since to originally get it, you had to have bought all 12 Best Partner cds. Bokura no Digital World was a bonus. Also, the catalog number matches. I looked it up, and with that price, it had better been an original (8000 yen) lol. That was the only "Digimon" related thing I could find and I came across that when noticing some old Sailor Moon merch (Sailor Star singles, there were a few of those) and then I noticed the two lone Digimon cds and started to fangirl over Bokura no Digital World given how it was a rare cd.

My original objective was Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors) manga when I found out that it was a mall with vintage shops. There was a vintage manga shop as well. I so wish I was rich! I'd never been to this part of Tokyo before. It was in Nakano and the area is called Nakano Broadway. A friend, who was living down there, and about to move back home, showed me the area and told me that I could probably find Samurai Troopers stuff there, so Digimon wasn't originally on my mind, until I saw Bokura no Digital World in the display case of one of the shops.

There were a couple of doujinshi shops too. I decided to see if there was any Digimon stuff in either, and boy was it hard to find. For one of them, they'd lumped it in with the "Pocket Monsters" doujinshi and all they had was mostly Taito doujinshi. Sucks for your favorite Digi-pairing to be a straight one. No wait...that sucks for any fandom if you want doujinshi, seemingly. lol Joking aside, I was hoping I'd come across some Koumi. Yes, Koumi is still my OTP! To this day, I still love the pairing of Koushirou x Mimi and I still will never understand why I love it so much.

Oh yeah, you could also buy animation cells. There were shops that sold those. Not sure if they had Digimon ones. So yeah, nice area. Four floors of shops. I so wish I could've had more time and more money. I was only down there for two days. One day dedicated to my hair (since I keep it braided, and Tokyo [Roppongi] and Yokohama are the only two places in the entire country with a salon that caters to my hair type) and the other to meet with my friend, and then leaving early the following day to get back up to Yamagata to go to work.

I wish I could've explored that manga shop a bit more. I remained focused so I wouldn't completely splurge. I splurged when I saw the Vaporeon, Eevee, and Mewtwo plushies. I also picked up a Glaceon, as that's my other favorite Eeveelution. Not Gen I, but didn't matter. lol Other things I saw that were "vintage" was My Little Pony (as in the MLP I grew up with from the mid-80s), Ren & Stimpy (totally shocked me), Ninja Turtles stuff (really had to resist lol), Troll dolls, old Star Wars things, VR Troopers (not Japanese, but US stuff), Power Rangers stuff (as in not only the Japanese stuff, but US stuff too), etc. I resisted the urge to fully look around in all of the shops in fear of seeing something I actually wanted. lol I even came across a Game and Watch! I was like, "OMG!! That is just beyond awesome! The handheld gaming system that helped to inspire the creation of the original Nintendo Gameboy that was out for the duration of the 80s! Sucks it was never released outside of Japan." I wanted one just to say I had one! lol But, seeing it in real life was good enough for me. Still awesome though.

So yeah, if you guys visit Japan and into old vintage things like me, I recommend that shopping district, but remember to restrain yourself. In my case, I also had to restrain myself because I know I wouldn't have had enough room in my overnight bag.