Who killed Pages this time? ... [you] did!


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
I saw digimon cards at a target today. I did not know those were still a thing.
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Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
FUCK. We're supposed to get 6-12 inches of snow the day I leave for the anime convention. The convention center itself won't be an issue since they have generators and won't get as much snow, but getting there is gonna be a pain....


IHP Translator
We keep getting new snow storms.

The fact that there's so much snow in the north is unsurprising.

Even in Texas, the weather keeps fluctuating between 60°F and 20°F, sometimes twice in one week. It's snowed twice here already in a two month period.


A Translator, Not So Diligent...
Staff member
It was 80°F on 29 Jan, and suddenly became 95°F on 30 Jan and has been around that since then...


IHP Translator
I actually envy that. That sounds comfortable, paradoxically. (Probably because living in Texas has acclimatized me to 100+°F weather.)