...what happened to Pages?

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Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
I never got too much into railgun, however, I wish I could have Last Order as a little sister...

Overprotective Big Brother mode activates every time I see her.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
On another note: I'm sure blade would like this scene. (If he hasn't already seen the anime...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss6LkgrRu_g

Note for future reference: If someone tries to kill me, that's how I want to go, infusing them with pure terror the way Touma did. I'dll just charge right in laughing while they fire at me. Would I make it? I doubt it. Would I be scary doing it? Undoubtedly.
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