Know a good batch torrent not on BakaBT?
I'm going to have to clear some harddrive space, but I'm getting it.
The people that did Needless did it, I believe they have a batch.
Know a good batch torrent not on BakaBT?
I'm going to have to clear some harddrive space, but I'm getting it.
Which group?The people that did Needless did it, I believe they have a batch.
The ninjas show up suddenly and make him their leader. He finds this more annoying than anything else, but he decides to put up with it. Arguing with ninjas is a bit hard.
It's been sitting in my hard disk like... forever...Okay, first season of Index is now on my utorrent list. TT_TT
Ugh, Futa, mind TLing Tamayura episode 2?
It's apparent that we can't find working Chinese subs.
(Unless Greg found some somewhere)
lolBoxing guy got all fired up when he saw a picture of his future self with a girlfriend or something.