...what happened to Pages?

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Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Xbox 360
Slim PS2 (no games xD)
Samsung Ln32A330 32" LCD TV
A few servers which specs are unknown to me, and how I'd ship 'em = no clue.
A... Super Nintendo
A computer and parts of a computer

Probably some other shit... Nothing really likely to sell since I don't really have much / it's all ancient / everybody already has stuff, but meh. I need a passport ._.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Hey, if your selling a SNES, could you sell it to me? My brother needs it complete his console collection.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
It's afternoon

Sorry, I was having a dream, and it was just like a movie, except awesomer 'cause I was in it.

A horde of carpenter ants attacked, I killed them with gasoline, and other chemicals. Ants and other insects aren't exactly found of chemicals, as they breathe through holes in their body. Also, it possible to catch gasoline on fire. After burning everything I ran laughing into the night as the bystanders just stood in shock as their entire town burned. Never did tell them the details of my plan....


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Hmm, I'm kind-a hesitant about the 360 since, even though it's "working" it overheats more than my last one did and I don't really trust it. If you really want the PS2 and SNES though, you can offer a price and or I'll start looking for going prices on eBay and be fair (I just want anything I can get basically xD) I'll have to look at what games I have cause I don't remember :confused:;


Staff member
I had a dream last night. It involved some major nuclear event and the world falling apart as we know it. <_> And it was crappily realistic on how the economy was falling apart, how people were reacting. Only unrealistic part was that communications didn't exactly go down. *headdesk*


Staff member
majro nuclear event = a sudden flash of bright light = i think a nuke or something


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
That wasn't a dream. The world ended =o

This is PURGATORY! You're trapt in ...what happend to Pages? forever-ever-ever-ever-ever...


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
For the slim I'd offer $60, which is what Gamestop sells them for. As for the SNES, somewhere between $30-50.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
I had a dream last night. It involved some major nuclear event and the world falling apart as we know it. <_> And it was crappily realistic on how the economy was falling apart, how people were reacting. Only unrealistic part was that communications didn't exactly go down. *headdesk*

I once had a dream where a very large percent of the population suddenly disappeared, so the first thing I did was check Dats, and megumi was online. We communicated through Dats, and then the dream ended.

Think I thought was odd about that dream was that there are usually more swords and explosions in my dreams.
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