...what happened to Pages?

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Assistant Pig-Keeper
Staff member
give me a bit time to think of a text


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Aww... Poor Megumi. I know how horrid it is to live with Vista as well.

My laptop (which I'm using right now) was in a "coma" for a little over a year because it had a corrupted version of vista on it, my bios was too outdated for Windows 7, my DVD Drive was (and still is) busted. So basically I could use it but it would blue screen of death/reboot randomly...

Anywho, after buying a new battery and power cord, I managed to finally download and install the latest bios before it crashed/reboot (well, after 2 tries) After which I installed Windows 7 from within Vista, then deleted the "Windows.old" folder permanently erasing all memories of that which was Vista ^.^...

But yeah... It was definitely awful >.< *huggles my laptop* I'm glad it's finally "stable"... Just wish I could afford to fix the DVD drive ^.^... I hope you are able to get Windows 7 somehow sometime soon as well ^.^... It's epic. (I actually, after a year, just installed antivirus on my desktop which has been running windows 7 that entire time... I managed to go virus free while downloading torrents all the time and such for a year. It's a looot more secure and awesome in that regard too :D...)

Oy... Note to self. You already suck at communicating, you're worse when you first wake up, so DON'T p.q...


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Hmm... There was a day a couple weeks ago it was hot as shit here and we had to open all windows / use fans to cool off (no AC/CA... ) but then 2 days later we got a foot of snow o.o... Yeah...

Anywho, it's finally starting to rain like crazy here / warm up, but luckily it has only been warm rather than hot so far... Not looking forward to the heat p.q...

(For those that care/don't remember, I live in Michigan ;o)


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
o.o I've never heard of Touhou til this thread... It looks like something that'd make me hang myself with the controller ^.^...

I'm not so good at most games, especially stuff like that... I'll stick with games like Halo, Gears of War, and Mario... (Yeah, I don't have a very wide variety <.<)


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest

He barely got through the game Silver Surfer, which is similar, but easier than Touhou. He'd hang himself before he got through the first level.

Then again, the Angry Video Game Nerd's next video will be ET (one of the causes of the video game crash), so he might hang himself yet anyways.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Personally, I prefer Strikers 1945. It's bullet hell with awesome airplanes, some of which I've worked on in real life.


Staff member
Aww... Poor Megumi. I know how horrid it is to live with Vista as well.

My laptop (which I'm using right now) was in a "coma" for a little over a year because it had a corrupted version of vista on it, my bios was too outdated for Windows 7, my DVD Drive was (and still is) busted. So basically I could use it but it would blue screen of death/reboot randomly...

Anywho, after buying a new battery and power cord, I managed to finally download and install the latest bios before it crashed/reboot (well, after 2 tries) After which I installed Windows 7 from within Vista, then deleted the "Windows.old" folder permanently erasing all memories of that which was Vista ^.^...

But yeah... It was definitely awful >.< *huggles my laptop* I'm glad it's finally "stable"... Just wish I could afford to fix the DVD drive ^.^... I hope you are able to get Windows 7 somehow sometime soon as well ^.^... It's epic. (I actually, after a year, just installed antivirus on my desktop which has been running windows 7 that entire time... I managed to go virus free while downloading torrents all the time and such for a year. It's a looot more secure and awesome in that regard too :D...)

Oy... Note to self. You already suck at communicating, you're worse when you first wake up, so DON'T p.q...
Vista is doing decent (other than the occasional time when it attempts to commit suicide by making one of the svchosts go haywire, usually my fault for keeping it on for a month straight), but there are a couple quirks that 7 does fix (I know 'cause my dad's laptop has 7 on it) I just want to get rid of. Sadly, getting a copy of 7 isn't cheap. :( And I don't have a legitimate reason other than Vista bothers me.

I do know the Recycle Bin on my laptop is corrupted. Spikes the processor anytime I open it. So for me, it's either delete it or don't. xD There's no third choice.


Staff member
If I ever stop downloading anime for more than a week, I might actually back everything up and then wipe it clean for a fresh install (even if it is still Vista), but... >_>; that _never_ happens.


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
thats one reason im glad i have a laptop and a desktop... i can do a fresh install and never go without anime or a computer even if i procrastinate on installing things...
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