...what happened to Pages?

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That Girl With the Hair
Gumi~ Update~

So, after Lambo's win against Rauji Tsuna, Hayato, Lambo, and Reborn continued on their journey to save Chrome and set things right with the Shimon family. On the way to the center of the island... Or is it top of the mountain? Either way, on while they were walking they ran into another one of the Shimon Family. Shitt P. who has the Swamp Flame. She battled with Hayato. In their battle both people had 2 balloons. The balloons stayed around the person and followed them as they moved. Who ever popped the other balloons first won. Right off the bat Shitt P. popped one of Hayato's balloons. Hayato activated his Vongola Gear and managed to pop one of her balloons. She then started preaching saying that you can't win if you don't live for yourself and that Hayato doesn't live for himself, but rather for Tsuna. Hayato agree's but says that there's a reason that he wont live for himself. He says he has to become better for Tsuna, stronger and lay plans and ambitions. Shitt P. doesn't understand, and Hayato doesn't expect her too. Suddenly Uri is attacking Shitt P. from behind. Seems Hayato put some cat nip on her. And Uri is now magically a bomb. So, Uri explodes, popping Shitt P.'s last balloon. Thus, Hayato won. So you see another memory of the past courtesy of the Vendice. It seems a few years has past and Giotto has started up the Vongola Family. He sent Cozart (First Shimon) a letter telling him that he's doing okay and has started up a wonderful family. But sadly, a war is going to start soon that Giotto doesn't think he can win. So he asks Cozart for help. Cozart of course, will help, and the memory ends. After that Shitt P. is taken away by the Vendice, but not before telling Hayato he was interesting and she wished she could have met him sooner. Tsuna then says that he'll rescue her and all the other Shimon as well as Ryohei. Enma (the 10th Shimon) then shows up and says that they don't need his ridiculous sentiments. Needless to say Enma is not pleased at all. First he lost Koyo, then Rauji, and now Shitt P. So, he goes into Hyper Dying Will Mode and challenges Tsuna. Chapter ends.


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no image resize?


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Purpose of [*imgleft] and [*imgright]:

Such that you can wrap images with text. :<
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