...what happened to Pages?

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Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Vladimir Putin is apparently a badass. I like the Justin Bieber remark at the end, it's funny.

A politician's every action is carefully calibrated to send a specific message. What is Putin trying to say by shooting the largest mammal on earth with a crossbow? Whale skin is an important source of alternative energy? Russian children are falling behind the rest of the world in their shooting-things-with-crossbows-from-rubber-rafts-ability? No, it is: I am a fucking badass before whom nature trembles like a 15-year-old girl before Justin Bieber.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
Need homework help.

How would I solve for z?

z over 4=2+1 over 6

I think I'm skipping a step.


Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest



Shenanigans Instigator
The Destroyer is Manifest
So is Persona 3 actually that screwed up (I know that everything after after the first panel isn't true)? I know there is the suicide thingy, but not much else....



Staff member
That Girl With the Hair
So is Persona 3 actually that screwed up (I know that everything after after the first panel isn't true)? I know there is the suicide thingy, but not much else....


They aren't really committing suicide. The guns they use to shoot themselves isn't a real gun. The gameplay is awesome, the story is good, and it has fun anime like scenes.
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