The Disgaea thread

Oh right I remember that system (shows how much I'v played D3 :p), I think that they just got rid of weapon proficiency leveling and favored to giving classes a set level with certain weapons over others. Which in turn gives that character access to better weapon skills which are learned from a tutor (for a small mana fee).

-a female warrior is good with swords, spears & bows, at tier 1 (a brand new lady warrior) they can learn the first 3 skills for those weapons.
-At tier 2 (through reincarnating of course) all of those weapons go up and she can learn the 4th weapon skill, likewise at tier 3 where she can learn the 5th.
-However at tier 4 only the spear levels up which allows her to access the 6th spear skill but she is stuck at 5 for the other 2 weapons
-A male warrior is slightly different, he is good at swords, spears & axes.
-He levels up like the female warrior however at tier 4 instead of spears going up further, axes do. So he gets to learn a level 6 axe skill but being limited to a level 5 spear skill instead.

This is were class world comes in to teach your characters these skills they can't otherwise learn, as I mentioned in my last post.

There are 8 skills to learn per weapon however the highest one a character can learn through reincarnation is level 6. The other 2 levels are only obtainable through class world as secret skills.

Also yes all the spells are still there, but the system is the same as mentioned above and they need to be learned from a tutor by a mage and spread around through class world. However some other classes or main characters get low level magic. Like Mao can learn up to level 3 ice magic (Giga Ice).

One nice thing about this system is after you have learned a spell of skill you can go back to the tutor to upgrade it for a mana fee which increases the SP consumption but makes it noticeably stronger. Combine that with regular skill leveling through use and you can get some nice damage :)


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They didn't take out my precious Tera Spells, though, did they? I was talking to a friend online who was complaining about not having it...

It could just be that he had to be at a different tier, but that'd be an about face from D1 and D2, where the first four tiers were specialists and the last two dropped tera spells to get a wider variety of spells.

Also, can I Reincarnate and keep my old spells like before, (Eventually having a Galaxy Mage with all Mage spells known) or will I be forced to use the tutor system?
Sadly they have, it goes as far as omega in this one. Mages don't have tiers, it's just like before where you get fire, wind, ice, star, prism and galaxy.

I think to make up for that they added minor animations to giga spells and made all spells a level stronger but it is still a shame.

Also don't worry reincarnation sends all spells, skills and even most evilities over just like before.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
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NO! NO~~ My precious Tera Spells... T-T

How could they do that to them? T-T


Assistant Pig-Keeper
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Does anyone have an idea how many chapters Volume 1 of Disgaea 2 has? I´ve got my hands on Chapter 1-7 and on Volume 4 (all raw) (and also, I can´t find the rest... :/)


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Waaait... are you talking about the MANGA?

...Dunno. I just played the games, I never read the manga. The manga suffers from Movie Adaptation Syndrome, and the Anime even worse, so I really didn't bother with them...


Assistant Pig-Keeper
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Yes, I´m talking about the manga of Disgaea 2 (so no problems with any anime or movie). Even if it´s raw, I understand most of it; It´s like the game, but there are more details (first 3 chapters are about Etna leaving Laharl), a "little" bit fan service and some other things...

Sh**! (self-censored)
I could smash my head against a wall: I just farmed alot of Thief lovers (My strongest Character in D2 is a Thief) just to find out that the lover boost has a limit of 25... I only use every class once, so I waisted a lot of time and equip to make over 72 usless lovers (that´s their worth if combined)...


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Matze149;101261 said:
Yes, I´m talking about the manga of Disgaea 2 (so no problems with any anime or movie). Even if it´s raw, I understand most of it; It´s like the game, but there are more details (first 3 chapters are about Etna leaving Laharl), a "little" bit fan service and some other things...

Sh**! (self-censored)
I could smash my head against a wall: I just farmed alot of Thief lovers (My strongest Character in D2 is a Thief) just to find out that the lover boost has a limit of 25... I only use every class once, so I waisted a lot of time and equip to make over 72 usless lovers (that´s their worth if combined)...
Well, better than farming a ton of Majin lovers to try and find out what bonus they give, only to find out that it's just stats...

I mean, Mages at least get more MP reduction, Skulls get boosts in how fast they learn skills, Archers get more Range(!!), and thieves get better stealing skills.

I mean... Archer +Bow +25 Archer Lovers? I mean... DAYUM! That's a LOT of range!

But I was at least hoping it'd do something more than just stats... like, giving the Majin some better throw range or something at least...


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Vincentdante;100528 said:
Haha there was a thread on another site not to long ago were people took a weapon with a description that could be taken waaaay out of context and changed the name apropriatley :p

unfortunatley I can't remember any examples, off the top of my head :(

I think, I found out which weapon you mean: Demon Basher. The text says something like:
Smashes/Bashes Demons with great prejudice
(sorry, can´t play rightnow, so I can´t post the exact quote). Too bad that it has a mace sprite -.-

Vincentdante;101269 said:
I haven't read the manga so I can't help you there, I hear the D2 manga is really good compared to the first one though.

I agree to that: The art is better and it seems much funnier (ever saw Flonne disguising as Etna to "help" Lahrl and Etna making up? Or Laharl in a skull mage disguise?). If you want to read it, just pm me; I can send you the first 7 chapters (like I said, raw only :/)

Role;101276 said:
Well, better than farming a ton of Majin lovers to try and find out what bonus they give, only to find out that it's just stats...

At least I won´t make that mistake ^^"""" (I don´t like Majins XD)

Role;101276 said:
I mean... Archer +Bow +25 Archer Lovers? I mean... DAYUM! That's a LOT of range!

Not really, you only get 2 more range...:

Gamefaqs FAQ said:
Lover Bonus: Attack range with a bow is increased by an additional panel for every ten (10) lovers.

Remember: The lover boost has a limit of 25... :/


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Bow Range is 3, +1 for Archer, +2 for lover bonus. That's a range of 6. Only spells can rival that. For most foes, you can easily shoot them twice before they can hit you once, essentially moving your Archer from a Mid-Line fighter (Not Melee, but still has to get close enough to provoke enemy attacks) to a Rearguard (They can attack from a safe range for all but the foes with the highest MOV), next to the mages. It's VERY worth it. The only time you'll ever need to get close is if you need to use some skills, which have a static AoE. Of course, there's also how much extra Range is your BEST FRIEND in the item world. If you need to conserve SP on an item world run, Archer is ideal.

For the most part, I don't like Male characters at all, let alone Majins. None of them are cute. Except D2's Skulls, though, they're adorable! <3


Assistant Pig-Keeper
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My magicans and my archer are kind of weak rightnow; Usually I let Adell and Amy (my Thief) (and Laharl if I´m in the right mood) kill everyone in the way, let Jimmy (my Unknown, last tire of Winged Beast) walk into gates if I don´t want to finish a floor. For magic I use Flonne, because she has a wide rang for healing AND attacking skills (Teraskills!)

Role;101280 said:
For the most part, I don't like Male characters at all, let alone Majins. None of them are cute. Except D2's Skulls, though, they're adorable! <3

I like them too, they remember me of Negi from Negima ^^ (Yes, my Skull mage´s name is Negi)

*starts game*

Demon Smasher:
Wpn-Axe: Exterminate demons with extreme prejudice.
*Feels left out...* I guess I can add my item world team from D3 :p

I have a hero (named Antman) and a moth (named Killer Moth) who work together to get to the gates. I send my hero to knock enemies off the gate and my moth to go through them. Since heroes and moths have the largest movement in the game it works out really well :)

EDIT: forgot to mention I went through class world with both of them to level up their max movement as well as equipped them with three of the best shoes I can get right now (leveled up in item world with a movement bill passed in the level 10 innocent town). They can make any gate in item world in one move :p

And now for something completely different.


This was a short comic made by NISA to advertise Prinny: can I really be the Hero which I will hopefully be getting soon. :)


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I NEVER, EVER go through an item without killing every single foe I can. The more residents you kill, the better the weapon will turn out.

Now, if I'm just trying to get to the bottom so I can beat the living daylights out of the Item God (and steal a new weapon, of course), then sure, I'll just a suped up Tink. After all, skipping through the item world is the ONLY thing he's good for...



Assistant Pig-Keeper
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Role;101295 said:
Now, if I'm just trying to get to the bottom so I can beat the living daylights out of the Item God (and steal a new weapon, of course), then sure, I'll just a suped up Tink. After all, skipping through the item world is the ONLY thing he's good for...

How is he good for skipping the item world? In my opinion the best way is to take a winged beast, equip it with 2 high ranked (and leveled) shoes, equip and unequip an Speed weight Z and afterwards equip another good shoe for it (and a level 20 lover for 2 more mov.). (Winged beasts are able to walk through everything (no matter if friend or foe)

The only thing I know he´s good for is the Tink ending (let a level 1000 Tink kill Zenon)
@role Oh absolutley, however I'm not working on any super awesome items right now. I'm trying to get more statistions through reverse pirating (where you steal a pirate ship and raid a town).

And yeah Tink is pretty lame, aren't moths any good in D2 I forget?


Assistant Pig-Keeper
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Vincentdante;101297 said:
Oh absolutley, however I'm not working on any super awesome items right now. I'm trying to get more statistions through reverse pirating (where you steal a pirate ship and raid a town).

Why do I get the feeling that be both know the same trick? XDD


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*also wants to show some of his Disgaea pics*

Here one of my favorites:

Got alot more of them XD