Luna knocking Cancer Bubble around every time he'd shove Rockman/Harp Note down her throat was funny, but they don't have enough in common.AoBfrost said:Misora x cancer/ Luna x Cancer seems nice![]()
Emi;43147 said:....
1. My name is NOT Luna Girl. You don't see me calling you Misora Freak, do you? So do NOT call me that. It's RUDE. If you keep doing so, I'll go ahead and be rude to you in return.
2. For the bazillionth time, It was NOT fun. It was not a joke. It was SERIOUS. At least to some people like me, unlike for you.
3. Both Misora and Luna have been shown to have crushes on Subaru in both the anime and game. Both are also friends with him.
4. People are going to dislike and insult Misora. You need to learn to deal with it. Our topic poster's brother completely insulted Subaru and you don't see people who really like Subaru starting to flame his brother, do you? No, you don't. You shouldn't be flaming people for insulting A FICTIONAL CHARACTER that you like, because it's just stupid.
5. The war started because you kept posting a GIANT PICTURE of Misora/Harp Note and Subaru/Rockman everywhere. I'll admit I wrongly thought it was because of the topic, rather than thinking that was how you make a signature, however, you shouldn't have had a picture that big constantly posted around to begin with.
Now, onto the actual topic at hand: I don't think Subaru's overrated. Yeah, he was like that at first, but he grew a lot and did care about quite a lot of people. Bly isn't really gothic (I mean, his normal outfit out of denpa-henkan doesn't have much, if any, black on it) so it doesn't sound like your brother paid attention much at all and just made assumptions.
I'm not into Yuri so I don't like the idea of Misora and Luna together.
And Subaru's 10, he's clueless, he won't notice most things. *shrugs*
And Love Triangles suck, because there are always going to be people who can't accept other people's views and throw out harassment everytime you disagree![]()
Emi;43162 said:I like Misora x Cancer actually.
AoBfrost;43161 said:....Now ya mention it....Misora x cancer/ Luna x Cancer seems nice![]()
Role;43153 said:Hmm... Am I the only one who gets a kick out of reading that thread?
I mean, I'm all for shipping. It makes me laugh. Quite hard, sometimes. I mean, come one, try reading just a bit of it. You can't help but snicker at some of the silly reasoning they use!
I mean, sure, it's all basically BS, but that's what makes it fun to read! And make fun of!
Role;43180 said:XD
Misora x Cancer! That'd probably make an excellent sitcom or something! I vote for that if nothing more than for lulz! XD
PrimoPiccolo;43229 said:Luna knocking Cancer Bubble around every time he'd shove Rockman/Harp Note down her throat was funny, but they don't have enough in common.
But I'm still all over Misora/Cancer Bubble. Even more so Fubuki/Kanimaru.![]()
Rocknote;43234 said:Rocknote's Conclusion:
1. That's fine to me.
2. Even you are serious but you can't force Subaru to likes Luna completely. I'm just a fan, OK?
3. Luna is the only one who crushed on Subaru and Misora is his friend. They are friends and brothers even Misora has a date with him before. Who knows if Misora is the one that Subaru will gonna marry?
4. I have accept everyone's opinion but all of your saying is about hating her only so that can't be counted as opinion. Please comprehend my sentence first before you making a conclusion. I didn't blame her brother who said Subaru's bad things and you need to read carefully before you say I'm wrong every time.
5. Heh, that giant picture can makes you angry that badly had started the battle and that's means you are the STARTER. That BIG picture is the only one I have posted. You sure are blur and confused.
Emi;43237 said:More like Rocknote's Assumption.
Uh, duh? He's a fictional character, nobody can choose how he feels except creators.
No, it's been PROVEN in both the anime and game that BOTH Misora and Luna have a crush on him. Nobody knows who he'll end up being with, but BOTH have feelings for him.
No, you haven't. You never do and you're proving it right now. And yes, saying you hate a character IS an opinion. Yet again, you're the one who isn't able to comprehend things. And I never SAID you did, I was proving my point that it's STUPID for YOU to FLAME because somebody doesn't like a character you're in love with.
Once again, you miss the whole point of the sentence. Yeah, it is the only one you posted, but you posted it several times in OTHER TOPICS which was STUPID and you shouldn't have posted a big picture to begin with! So YOU started it and you keep TRYING to start it because for whatever reason, you seem to think it's fun.![]()
Rocknote;43241 said:Rocknote's counter attack:
1. Assumption? Better than your assumption.
2. That's why I prefer Capcom decides it and I'm only just a FAN of these two characters.
3. Misora has feeling for him but just friendship for now but after they have grown up I can't guarantee it. Luna is the only one who likes Subaru for now and who knows what will be happened after they have grown up. That's gonna depend on Capcom.
4. Saying something that is hurting someone is an opinion? How will you feel if I say like that to you? You sure are weak in comprehending and I have accepted everyone's opinion(not like yours) and I always do my best to prove it and THERE'S A WILL, THERE'S A WAY! FAITH CAN MOVES MOUNTAIN!
5. That day I'm a new member and you had attacked me without telling me what is going on first. You just can't stand MisoraXSubaru, that's all. I didn't start the fight first and please remember YOU ARE THE STARTER!
Emi;43246 said:1. I'm not assuming. But you still are, seeing how you just take the words you like and I read sentences as a whole. And it's not a counter attack if I didn't attack you to begin with.
2. I never said you weren't a fan.
3. For the last time, Capcom HAS proven BOTH girls have a crush on Subaru. Yes, they are all just friends right now, but both Luna AND Misora have feelings for Subaru.
4. YES. It is. ANYBODY'S view is an opinion and if you get hurt because somebody dislikes a FICTIONAL CHARACTER, there is something wrong with you because insulting a fictional character is NOT insulting you. And you have just proven AGAIN, that you don't accept everyone's opinion. You're just being a hypocrite.
5. YOU STARTED IT. Just DEAL with it, we both had a start in it, but you ARE part of th reason that it started. Continuing, I HAVE friends who are MisoraXSubaru fans, friends who like Misora, and even friends who are TsukasaXSubaru fans. I have nothing against MisoraXSubaru fans, I just think Misora sucks and will grow up to be a prostitute, so stop assuming because it just makes you look stupid.
Rocknote;43250 said:Neh, somehow I think this is getting hilarious and I feel don't like to fight you from a long time ago and you have rejected my friend request.
Somehow your reasons is getting unreasonable and I don't feel like to say anything now.
Trivial wants us to be friends but you have made him sad. He doesn't likes his friends have quarrel with each other and...
Kasaix;43252 said:Hi Rocknote, I'm Kasaix, a friend of Emi's. I've been told a number of times that you and Emi argue a lot. Now I'm not here as her backup, I'm just here to try and end this dispute peacefully.
Now, take a look at your argument if you would. Look at it. You're arguing over an anime! A TV show meant to be enjoyed! I mean, give it a rest. It's a show. Fine, you prefer your couple and Emi prefers her couple. You're both entitled to your opinions. There's no right and no wrong here. Why not come together as two who appreciate the anime and prove to others who is a better couple? This argument is senseless. It's pointless and a waste of valuable time. So please, for the sake of you two disgracing Ryuusei no Rockman with this argument, and for the sake of your sanities, end it with a hand-shake or just walking away. Really, what does this accomplish? What could either of you gain by this? Certainly not anything worth the time you waste with this. So please?
Trivial;43290 said:I've sick enough seeing those two being in war
And, i prefer to go away when they're on war
Since it's a POINTLESS WAR anyway
MugenSeiRyuu;43310 said:Is this still going on?
It's like that Digimon vs. Pokemon thing!
Therefore i declare Misora X Luna! That should solve most problems.