You know... one of the things that annoy me in the game is that... for two weapon sets, you have to have two shields. Like you can't use the same goddamn shield. Like that always bothers me.![]()
Dual wielding shields?
What no.
Okay. So, in the game, you can have two sets of weapons. The A set and the B set (main and sub), and during a battle, you can press a button to switch between the two. This is REALLY nice if you want to have a sword or something and shield as main, then a gun or something as sub. Usually I have a spear-type weapon with shield as main and then a two-handed gun as sub. So I usually can't have a shield in the sub slot.
But then recently I switch to having to different spear-types, each having a different effect (I think stun and something). But I only really have one of the good (and light) shield??? So I can't have the SAME (single) shield for both main and sub. I have to have two. So I have no shield for my sub weapon because the only shield that is as good as the main shield is 4 times heavier and I'm slow enough.![]()
This made my brain hurt even more...[7/3/2013 1:53:38 AM] Cocoa: I did not go to sleep when I said u was
[7/3/2013 1:53:43 AM] Cocoa: What
[7/3/2013 1:53:52 AM] Cocoa: *I
[7/3/2013 1:54:45 AM] Cocoa: Guess who has to do things tomorrow?
[7/3/2013 1:54:53 AM] bladesworn: Everyone.
[7/3/2013 1:55:20 AM] Cocoa: F u Chris I was going to say "me"
[7/3/2013 1:56:31 AM] bladesworn: We all have things we must do tomorrow.
[7/3/2013 1:56:36 AM] bladesworn: Even if mundane.
[7/3/2013 1:56:38 AM] Cocoa: Shdjhfh
[7/3/2013 1:57:42 AM] Cocoa: I am going to set you afire because I wanted to have a Personal Pity Party because I though no one was here
[7/3/2013 1:57:58 AM] Cocoa: Go to sleep you lunatic do you know what time it is
[7/3/2013 1:58:39 AM] bladesworn: 1:58 am.
[7/3/2013 1:58:46 AM] bladesworn: I will be sleeping soon.
[7/3/2013 1:58:55 AM] Cocoa: Go to bed
[7/3/2013 1:59:05 AM] Cocoa: Sleep
[7/3/2013 1:59:07 AM] bladesworn: You are taking over Stevey's job.
[7/3/2013 1:59:15 AM] Cocoa: Shhh
[7/3/2013 1:59:18 AM] bladesworn: Stevey's the only one that's supposed to do that.
[7/3/2013 1:59:27 AM] Cocoa: Only dreams now
[7/3/2013 1:59:36 AM] bladesworn: You mean nightmares.
[7/3/2013 2:00:00 AM] Cocoa: Shh only REM now
[7/3/2013 2:00:33 AM] bladesworn: HERESY.
[7/3/2013 2:00:43 AM] Cocoa: SLEEP
[7/3/2013 2:01:22 AM] bladesworn: HERESY.
[7/3/2013 2:01:54 AM] bladesworn: HERESY.
[7/3/2013 2:02:02 AM] bladesworn: It's heresy unless it's Stevey.
[7/3/2013 2:02:35 AM] bladesworn: Stevey is the only one that is allowed to tell me to go to bed.
[7/3/2013 2:03:18 AM] bladesworn: Wait.
[7/3/2013 2:03:23 AM] bladesworn: What type of pillow?
[7/3/2013 2:03:56 AM] Cocoa: Lacy perfume-y grandma pillow you fricker
[7/3/2013 2:04:18 AM] ♚ Stevey: Chris go the fuck to bed
[7/3/2013 2:04:30 AM] ♚ Stevey: is that better?
[7/3/2013 2:04:37 AM] bladesworn: Cocoa, that is unacceptable choice of pillows.
[7/3/2013 2:04:41 AM] bladesworn: Yes.
[7/3/2013 2:04:52 AM] Cocoa: Enjoy the decades of perfume that have become a very part of the fiber of the pillow
[7/3/2013 2:04:59 AM] bladesworn: And now I can be properly obstinate.
[7/3/2013 2:05:07 AM] Cocoa: You will suffocate
[7/3/2013 2:05:07 AM] bladesworn: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
[7/3/2013 2:05:16 AM] bladesworn: NO.
[7/3/2013 2:05:22 AM] Cocoa: YES
[7/3/2013 2:05:27 AM] bladesworn: OVER YOUR DEAD BODY.
[7/3/2013 2:06:08 AM] ♚ Stevey: GO TO BED YOU LITTLE SHIT
[7/3/2013 2:06:13 AM] ♚ Stevey: EVEN IF YOU'RE OLDER THAN ME
[7/3/2013 2:06:14 AM] ♚ Stevey: AND TALLER
[7/3/2013 2:06:17 AM] ♚ Stevey: GET YOUR ASS TO BED
[7/3/2013 2:06:48 AM] bladesworn: You're short enough I could use you as a head rest if I wished.
[7/3/2013 2:06:48 AM] Cocoa: STEVEY I'M THREATENING CHRIS PLS
[7/3/2013 2:07:27 AM] Cocoa: :I
[7/3/2013 2:07:34 AM] Cocoa: go to bed
[7/3/2013 2:07:38 AM] Cocoa: shh
[7/3/2013 2:07:42 AM] bladesworn: Your threats mean nothing.
[7/3/2013 2:07:48 AM] bladesworn: I have dogs that eat people alive.
[7/3/2013 2:07:50 AM] bladesworn: Swords.
[7/3/2013 2:07:58 AM] bladesworn: And bludgeony items.
[7/3/2013 2:08:24 AM] bladesworn: You'd not last long.
[7/3/2013 2:08:38 AM] ♚ Stevey: YOU ARE A FUCKING ASSWIPE YOU KNOW WHAT
[7/3/2013 2:08:42 AM] Cocoa: I can't take anything of what you listed off seriously I think I should sleep
[7/3/2013 2:08:46 AM] ♚ Stevey: lilli you can have him
[7/3/2013 2:08:47 AM] ♚ Stevey: uwu
[7/3/2013 2:08:51 AM] ♚ Stevey: he's your responsibility
[7/3/2013 2:09:03 AM] bladesworn: I'm just having fun with you guys while I get ready for bed.
[7/3/2013 2:09:06 AM] ♚ Stevey: *throws peace sign up in the air* STEVEY'S OUT BITCHES
[7/3/2013 2:09:19 AM] Cocoa: I'll try to remember to feed him
[7/3/2013 2:09:25 AM] ♚ Stevey: afslkjds
[7/3/2013 2:09:30 AM] ♚ Stevey: you never fed me
[7/3/2013 2:09:31 AM] ♚ Stevey: ;/
[7/3/2013 2:09:54 AM] Cocoa: NOT THAT WAY
[7/3/2013 2:10:03 AM] Cocoa: GOD
[7/3/2013 2:11:16 AM] bladesworn: AH.
[7/3/2013 2:11:20 AM] bladesworn: The dragon I sent.
[7/3/2013 2:11:23 AM] bladesworn: EXCELLENT.
[7/3/2013 2:11:27 AM] bladesworn: Got there early.
[7/3/2013 2:11:51 AM] bladesworn: Well.
[7/3/2013 2:12:00 AM] bladesworn: I do not exactly know where that came from.
[7/3/2013 2:12:02 AM] Cocoa: Then it's a small fucking dragon and I'm disappointed in you
[7/3/2013 2:12:09 AM] bladesworn: Budget cuts.
[7/3/2013 2:12:43 AM] Cocoa: I threw a rock at it and I think I might've killed a small animal
[7/3/2013 2:12:54 AM] Cocoa: Well
[7/3/2013 2:12:56 AM] bladesworn: That and raising them too big means you have to cover up the humans they eat.
[7/3/2013 2:13:07 AM] bladesworn: So it's best to only have small ones.
[7/3/2013 2:13:11 AM] bladesworn: Easier to deal with.
[7/3/2013 2:13:19 AM] bladesworn: But still firey and dangerous-ish.
[7/3/2013 2:13:46 AM] Cocoa: Feed them cattle you imbecile you only feed them people before a hunt god don't you know anything
[7/3/2013 2:13:56 AM] bladesworn: Cattle are expensive.
[7/3/2013 2:13:59 AM] bladesworn: As I said.
[7/3/2013 2:14:02 AM] bladesworn: Budget cuts.
[7/3/2013 2:14:02 AM] ♚ Stevey: I like watchign you two converse
[7/3/2013 2:14:11 AM] Cocoa: Not if you steal them
[7/3/2013 2:14:21 AM] bladesworn: Cattle smuggling gets you shot.
[7/3/2013 2:14:28 AM] bladesworn: And/or put in jail.
[7/3/2013 2:14:37 AM] bladesworn: And requires large vehicles.
[7/3/2013 2:14:39 AM] Cocoa: You have a ducking dragon
[7/3/2013 2:14:52 AM] bladesworn: That have to be cleaned after putting the cows aboard.
[7/3/2013 2:14:59 AM] bladesworn: It's expensive either way.
[7/3/2013 2:15:02 AM] bladesworn: Yes.
[7/3/2013 2:15:03 AM] Cocoa: Dragon
[7/3/2013 2:15:19 AM] bladesworn: And the small ones don't have a problem surviving on dog food.
[7/3/2013 2:15:44 AM] bladesworn: It's once they get past that size they get dangerous and difficult to properly feed without danger.
[7/3/2013 2:15:46 AM] bladesworn: Or money.
[7/3/2013 2:15:48 AM] Cocoa: But that's so unhealthy for them and dulls their colour
[7/3/2013 2:16:01 AM] bladesworn: It's not like I need them to survive too long.
[7/3/2013 2:16:07 AM] bladesworn: They're weapons of terror.
[7/3/2013 2:16:10 AM] bladesworn: Not pets.
[7/3/2013 2:16:13 AM] Cocoa: Big dragons are easy
[7/3/2013 2:16:30 AM] bladesworn: I would like you to say that to a full grown dragon.
[7/3/2013 2:16:32 AM] bladesworn: Please.
[7/3/2013 2:16:38 AM] Cocoa: Yeah but if you have a shoddy army no one takes you seriously
[7/3/2013 2:17:07 AM] bladesworn: Function over style.
[7/3/2013 2:17:15 AM] Cocoa: I say it every everyday to my breeding dragon Partricia
[7/3/2013 2:17:16 AM] bladesworn: Style gets you killed.
[7/3/2013 2:17:16 AM] ♚ Stevey: fUCKING HELL YOU TWO
[7/3/2013 2:17:26 AM] ♚ Stevey: bOTH OF YOU GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP
[7/3/2013 2:17:31 AM] Cocoa: NO
[7/3/2013 2:17:35 AM] bladesworn: NO.
[7/3/2013 2:17:45 AM] bladesworn: We're having an intelligent conversation here.
[7/3/2013 2:17:50 AM] bladesworn: Stop interrupting.
[7/3/2013 2:17:52 AM] ♚ Stevey: I AM NOT AFRAID TO BEND YOU BOTH OVER
[7/3/2013 2:17:54 AM] ♚ Stevey: GO TO BED
[7/3/2013 2:18:01 AM] bladesworn: YOU WILL TRY.
[7/3/2013 2:18:03 AM] Cocoa: I Am your mother
[7/3/2013 2:18:09 AM] ♚ Stevey: when you actually start discussing dragons it's time for bed
[7/3/2013 2:18:10 AM] ♚ Stevey: go
[7/3/2013 2:18:11 AM] ♚ Stevey: to
[7/3/2013 2:18:11 AM] ♚ Stevey: bed
[7/3/2013 2:18:13 AM] bladesworn: AND THEN THE DRAGON WILL BITE YOU IN THE ASS.
[7/3/2013 2:18:21 AM] ♚ Stevey: Mom get your little ass to bed before i kick it
[7/3/2013 2:18:22 AM] Cocoa: BURN
[7/3/2013 2:18:27 AM] ♚ Stevey: GO THE FUCK TO BED CHRISTOPHER
[7/3/2013 2:18:29 AM] ♚ Stevey: GO
[7/3/2013 2:18:32 AM] bladesworn: No.
[7/3/2013 2:18:35 AM] bladesworn: This is fun.
[7/3/2013 2:18:38 AM] Cocoa: no
[7/3/2013 2:18:59 AM] Cocoa: You don't own me
[7/3/2013 2:19:05 AM] bladesworn: Well.
[7/3/2013 2:19:09 AM] bladesworn: She doesn't own you.
[7/3/2013 2:19:16 AM] bladesworn: She may have your soul though,.
[7/3/2013 2:19:22 AM] ♚ Stevey: //eye roll
[7/3/2013 2:19:25 AM] ♚ Stevey: go to bed.
[7/3/2013 2:19:27 AM] ♚ Stevey: uwu;;;
[7/3/2013 2:19:27 AM] Cocoa: What fucking soul
[7/3/2013 2:19:31 AM] bladesworn: Exactly.
[7/3/2013 2:19:31 AM] ♚ Stevey: ^^^
[7/3/2013 2:20:02 AM] Cocoa: She wasn't even born when I lost it assholes
[7/3/2013 2:20:30 AM] bladesworn: Doesn't mean she didn't already exist in the Warp.
[7/3/2013 2:20:39 AM] Cocoa: It's probably floating around in fucking Mordor right now
[7/3/2013 2:21:21 AM] bladesworn: Mordor doesn't deal with souls.
[7/3/2013 2:21:31 AM] bladesworn: Unless it involves rings.
[7/3/2013 2:21:41 AM] bladesworn: And then you turn into a ringwraith.
[7/3/2013 2:21:43 AM] Cocoa: No but my soul likes to take field trips
[7/3/2013 2:22:23 AM] Cocoa: Then it goes to it's little red birdhouse in the corner of my room
[7/3/2013 2:22:31 AM] ♚ Stevey: I have a question
[7/3/2013 2:22:35 AM] Cocoa: Yes
[7/3/2013 2:22:37 AM] ♚ Stevey: who said it ever existed in the first place
[7/3/2013 2:22:39 AM] ♚ Stevey: i mean
[7/3/2013 2:22:50 AM] ♚ Stevey: couldn't you have just been created without? uwu;;
[7/3/2013 2:24:18 AM] Cocoa: Nope, everything has a soul little assmunch. Mine just happens to not take up much space and black and is brittle from so much time away from the body
[7/3/2013 2:24:37 AM] bladesworn: My soul is an asshole.
[7/3/2013 2:24:46 AM] bladesworn: That enjoys tormenting me from the inside.
[7/3/2013 2:25:03 AM] Cocoa: That's nice
[7/3/2013 2:25:15 AM] Cocoa: It's like a jellyfich
[7/3/2013 2:25:20 AM] Cocoa: Fish
[7/3/2013 2:25:26 AM] bladesworn: Jellylich.
[7/3/2013 2:25:38 AM] Cocoa: Pooferfishy
[7/3/2013 2:25:53 AM] Cocoa: hAH
[7/3/2013 2:25:58 AM] Cocoa: Nice
[7/3/2013 2:26:19 AM] bladesworn: You see what I did there?
[7/3/2013 2:26:37 AM] Cocoa: Okay goodnight I almost said "foodnight" it's time to sleep ahaha
[7/3/2013 2:26:44 AM] bladesworn: Yes.
[7/3/2013 2:26:47 AM] Cocoa: Yes I saw it
[7/3/2013 2:26:55 AM] bladesworn: We're devolving into nonsense at this point.
[7/3/2013 2:31:40 AM] bladesworn: Good Night.
[7/3/2013 2:31:46 AM] ♚ Stevey: Night both of you
Starting to think the first text file isn't even used in the game. There's so many random things that aren't in the game/changed in the game/are also in text 2. Hmm...