Sorry, I killed Pages

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Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Ugh... Losing $150 after taxes from my pay for the rest of the month thanks to Sam's Club being a bunch of assholes. "We can't afford to pay you guys, so, we're cutting you down to 37.5 hours a week, and Lige, you specifically we're taking away 11 extra hours just cause."

It doesn't hurt too bad, but, I'm really really trying to pay off my "Credit cards" (I think I mentioned before, my mom gave me cash to pay 'em all off and now I owe her that, this way I save interest.) so I can start saving some money. My moms probably moving out soon and I need as much "extra" as I can in case I need to move or to hold me over til I can find a 2nd job or something. ._. Either way, I want to have more than $0.10 in my bank at the end of the month... (It worries / paranoia's me having account so low, just in case I forget about a $1 or $2 spent here or there... it doesn't usually happen as I'm anal about my finances, but still...


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Also, xmas eve I have to go in 4 hours early? @_@ Shift is 6PM to 2AM instead of 10PM to 6AM... Weeeird ;x (Guessing it's so we have "xmas morning" off, but, last year they just gave us xmas eve off so we'd have all morning/day for xmas stuff, then had to go in at 10PM xmas night, so we only worked "2 hours" on xmas instead of 6 (as we'd get out at 6AM in morning other way around) -- I'm fine with this scheduling, but, it's just weird... and kind-a sucks. Get out of work at 6AM, have to be back by 6PM? xD I can't fall asleep til noon usually, so I'll only get 5 hours of sleep if I can sleep.


I'm not really bitching, just think-typing... and making myself want to move somewhere with a Costco x_X


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
hmm... forgot to buy sugar of any sort... *steals some of moms cookies* >;D

TO HALO 4! *runs off*


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Hmm... Going to see my Grandma on 21st/22nd. Gonna barely be able to sleep before/after work the 2 days surrounding that weekend, but meh. It's been like 2 years since I saw her so I'm-a goin' >;o

Trying to find a game of sorts to get to take there though (and give as a "present"), we used to do Skip-bo when I was a kid, but her sister got her kind-a sick of that one. So now our default is "Phase 10" -- which is awesome, especially if you mix it up a little with alternate phases (There's a variation called Phase 10+10 where you play a extra 10 phases, we skip 1-10 and just do 11-20, so it's just different set of phases) but I figure sut'm new if it seems cool would be nice. Not finding shit though >;(


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
Youtube fails, was hoping to see a video kind-a showing how "Phase 10 Dice" works ;x


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
:confused: I'm a ninja

Got my dad a book for xmas, I put the book in a box, added packing stuff so it wont move inside that box. Taped that box closed, but that box in a slightly larger box, made sure it couldn't move same way as first one, but also tucked a empty pill bottle with 3 pennies inside so if you shake it it rattles oddly. Then taped it up. Now I just need to wrap it xD

It'll be like "Ooh, a.. pill bottle?... oh boy, $0.03! Oh, wait, no, another box? *opens that* Ooooh, BOOK! I HAD NO IDEA! *gasp*"

*hasn't slept in a while now... is exhausted, don't mind me*


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
I need a life... spamming random shit again <_<; Blame my friends, they both abandoned me <3


Active Member
Loves Being Poked
*Goes to nap? (probably will watch a show, then suddenly get a second wind and be back)*
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