Ryuusei no Rockman RPG

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New Member
*Emanuel is a good sleeper so he doesn't wake up.*
Lacerta: i keep sencing those 2 wave beings as if they were frozen in their path did they forget to move or something. Maybe there some of my fellow amians who also flew to planet earth.
Lacerta: Well I might as well check it out.

Lecros story
Lacerta : Well, let's check then

Lacerta get in to the building and trying to find out the AM waves that are emitted obviously from AM Seijin. In one place, Lacerta see a man who wears glasses just came out from the room stated "Surgery Room"....

Lacerta : Hey, i sense an AM wave from this guy, does he has an AM Seijin with him?? And i still sense some other AM waves in that room. Just what is exactly in there??
Should i peek inside, or should i go back and tell Emanuel???


New Member
Don't meant to block you on joining,
But i got my hands full, so i can't be your story master, so i can't make your story
You should choose someone here to be your story master first


New Member
Here is the last place

Trivial & OZ : On their way to go out from Densan Univ after giving Stelar some medicine, and some vitamins to Rocknote
Subaru : In the Densan Univ's Surgery Room, wakes up after having some bad dreams. Received some medicines from Trivial
Peace-Rock : In Densan Univ's Surgery Room, with Subaru
Rocknote & Tetra : In the Densan Univ's Surgery Room, after having lunch, on Subaru's side when Subaru woke up. Just has received some vitamins from Trivial
Emanuel : Sleeping in his room
Lacerta : On the Denpa airspace of Densan Univ's Surgery Room
Nemo & Wizard : Still in th entrance of Densan Univ
???? : At Somewhere Place, monitoring all the things
Kiasuke & Ryu : At the very beginning of their story

That's that
You guys may need to recall the situation
Just slip back 1 or 2 pages


New Member
Due to one of the player has been banned, we barely can continue this
But i dunno if some of us still have the will to continue this someday


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Who cares. From what I saw, she can't RP worth a damn. I'll show ya how it's done. We're using Japanese terms and what not, right? In that case:


Character -

Name: Shinseimori Anisa
Gender: Female
Personality: Shy. She prefers not to talk to people if she doesn't have to. She usually avoids human contact. It's hard for her to talk to people, even though what she wants most is to be friendly with everyone.

Partner -

Name: Nova
Home: Planet XM
Personality: Generally kind and consoling, though she does have a little bit of a mean streak if you get push her buttons too much. She shifts in color between seven colors, reflecting her mood - Green for envy/longing, Yellow for fear/surprise, Red for anger/irritation, Blue for sadness/depressed, White for happiness/cheerful, Black for scheming/mischievous, Gray for emotionless/bored. Attracted by the loneliness generated by Anisa's inability to mingle well with people.

Denpa-Human -

Name: NovaGoddess
Points of interest: Six 'wings' of denpa energy on back, each a different color, representing different elements, with opposites opposite each other. Red for heat, Blue for aqua, Yellow for elec, Green for wood, White for stun, Black for bug. Heat and Aqua treated as opposite, Elec and Wood as opposite, and Stun and Bug.

Abilities: Elementshift, Elementshot

Elementshift - When a chip is used, all the wings turn the color of the chip's element. If the chip had a stun effect, they turn white, regardless of element. If the chip causes an HP bug, they turn black, regardless of element. If the chip has no element, or does not cause stunning or an HP bug, the effects of Elementshift do not take effect. If Elementshift is in effect and null element chip is used, NovaGoddess reverts to normal.

Red - GoddessNova is Heat element. Double damage taken from Aqua. Reverts to normal mode upon Aqua damage.
Blue - GoddessNova is Aqua element. Double damage from Elec. Reverts to normal mode upon Elec damage.
Yellow - GoddessNova is Elec element. Double damage from Wood. Reverts to normal mode upon Wood damage.
Green - GoddessNova is Wood element. Double damage from Fire. Reverts to normal mode upon Fire damage.
White - GoddessNova is Null element. Reverts to normal upon HP damage.
Black - GoddessNova is Null element. Reverts to normal upon HP damage.

Elementshot - At the cost of the ability to charge a shot, and any rapid fire capabilities, all buster shots correspond to the shifted element, noted by the color of the wings. For White, shots stun for a short period. For Black, shots cause an HP bug that lasts until GoddessNova reverts to normal.

Buster stats:

Charge - 0 (Cannot Charge)
Power - 5 (5 HP damage per shot)
Rapid - 0 (Very slow rate of fire)


If nothing is going to happen, we can always pull a sys-reset. It's just a matter of starting a new thread.
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