One year and one day...


Gurren Brigade Member
NintendoMasterGC;94087 said:
Puku's not dead, just chugging along VERY slowly -- Beast 19 was released over a month ago if I'm not getting my dates wrong, and prior to that there were several months of nothing from Puku at all. Typical of WPP and Puku lately, just plain running out of steam (frustrating to a viewer/fan like me when there's still so much story left to see!). Yeah, we're all bothered by gaps. XP

Ah, Beast 19 has been released...? (After a year and a month...) Only 7 more episodes to go! Let's just hope that after Stream is done, they'll have done a bit more.


Translator, empty...
have a... history with WPP/Puku, so a joint is fairly unlikely to say the least.

:eek::eek::eek: \o/\o/\o/ WPP, I think is....dying, but I hope not~despite the production is sloooooooooowing down as time passes...Maybe, they're out of blood-people and or their resolve is ___________already. Oh well, lets hope they continue it. The missing episodes really beats the nice story *waste*...:confused:


New Member
\o/ <- looks like cheering to me, Warrock xD

Anyway, I'm really happy that there's so much enthusiasm for this editor position. Even if I'm not chosen to be the editor(s), I'm elated to know that there's a high, if not, 100% chance that Stream will finally be subbed! Yayy!
*inserts happy smiley that isn't available in quick reply*


Gurren Brigade Member
syrg;94107 said:
I'm elated to know that there's a high, if not, 100% chance that Stream will finally be subbed! Yayy!

Ehh, while we're on the subject of potential editors, that comma between "not" and "100%" seems misplaced. The way it's structured now, it sounds like "if not high, then 100% chance" instead of the probably intended "if not 100%, then high chance".


New Member
Haha, when I type on message boards and forums, I just type the way I would talk.

I wouldn't say "if not high, then 100% chance" in real life, though it's grammatically correct.

Also, I actually DID mean it as "if not a high chance, then a certain chance."

I don't type/talk the same way in casual situations (like in a forum) as I would when actually editing something that needs to be presented like schoolwork or fansubs. xD


Gurren Brigade Member
syrg;94175 said:
Haha, when I type on message boards and forums, I just type the way I would talk.

I wouldn't say "if not high, then 100% chance" in real life, though it's grammatically correct.

Also, I actually DID mean it as "if not a high chance, then a certain chance."

I don't type/talk the same way in casual situations (like in a forum) as I would when actually editing something that needs to be presented like schoolwork or fansubs. xD

I'm not saying that you're bad at grammar in general, I'm trying to prove my own worth as an editor. :D

Well, a certain chance is a high chance, so I don't think even then the context works well...


New Member
Well I was commenting on how there's so much response that it seems nearly certain that this project will work out greatly while keeping in mind there's no such thing as a complete 100% chance in existence.
Bah, anyway, I mean exactly what I said the first time around, so take it at face value. =D

And so, I digress...
Let's hope an enthusiastic DATS Stream project will jump start Axess and Beast back to life! ^^


Rockman Subbing Editor
syrg;94213 said:
Let's hope an enthusiastic DATS Stream project will jump start Axess and Beast back to life! ^^

This means I may get to see the Stream ending before I see the Axess ending. The storyline is fragmenting! THE HORROR.

But then I already saw Rockman.EXE The Movie, so I guess I already spoiled Stream for myself. The movie was pretty sweet, too.


New Member
If you REALLY want to watch the ending to Axess, there are English dubs of 34 to the end floating around the internet... It's hard to find though...
I'm not sure if it's against the rules or not to throw links around this forum so I'm going to be safe and not try it, but you can probably find the links for yourself if you really want to know the ending.

On a side note, I did not know that from 34-51, 5 episodes were skipped during dubbing! D<
So that means, even if people watched the dub from start to finish, they missed a bunch of episodes! Grr...


Rockman Subbing Editor
syrg;94216 said:
If you REALLY want to watch the ending to Axess, there are English dubs of 34 to the end floating around the internet... It's hard to find though...
I'm not sure if it's against the rules or not to throw links around this forum so I'm going to be safe and not try it, but you can probably find the links for yourself if you really want to know the ending.

On a side note, I did not know that from 34-51, 5 episodes were skipped during dubbing! D<
So that means, even if people watched the dub from start to finish, they missed a bunch of episodes! Grr...

Meh...typical dubbing these days it seems.

And thanks for the info but I doubt I'll explore that option; I'd rather keep it as much of a surprise as possible when it finally comes out. If WPP somehow crashes and burns before they finish their project I might have to though.


Gurren Brigade Member
Oh, you know what, once we finish Stream, we can also finish Beast from where WPP left off, if they don't release episode 25 by then. But somebody will have to find the raws.


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
Please note that someone would have to purchase the Axess/Beast DVDs before we would even consider it.

And to elaborate on GSR's post... we will never work with WPP.


Rockman Subbing Editor
Koroku;94225 said:
Please note that someone would have to purchase the Axess/Beast DVDs before we would even consider it.

If I ever run across those I'll snap them up as fast as I possibly can. Not that I'm promising to go window-shopping for them XP but I'll keep my eyes open. I will probably go insane if I can't see the whole anime in my native language at some point or another.


Resident RockxNetto Fan
*starts shedding tears*

This post...

This post...

This post has made my VERY happy!

*sobs uncontrollably*


Gurren Brigade Member
Koroku;94225 said:
And to elaborate on GSR's post... we will never work with WPP.

That's not what I meant... I meant that if WPP never really does complete the episodes, we can do it independently. No cooperation required. Or would you rather not work on projects that another fansub group is already working on, out of respect?


I Ireland
Staff member
Supreme Dictator
syrg;94085 said:
Lastly, if these two projects get going and let's say, Beast+ is done with in a few months, maybe DATS should joint with WPP to release the rest of Axess and/or with WPP/Puku (Not sure if Puku is dead or just chugging along slowly) for Beast? The gaps in subs bother me and most likely everyone else. @_@"

Also, Puku seems to have TLs ready for most of the Beast+ episodes (according to their website anyway) so maybe you could do a mutual work thing there too.
I was referring to this.


Gurren Brigade Member
Koroku;94264 said:
I was referring to this.

Oh. Well then, might we be able to do what I suggested, after Stream is finished? (If somebody would be so kind as to buy the DVD's... I don't know where to find them, personally, so I can't do that.)


New Member
I remember me doing the fansub of episode 5 of Stream on my own.
I did that, and i don't know Japanese that much, i don't even know how it works !
But i did a partial sub of it ^^
And i'm proud.

But well, DATS will do a better job than me. ^^

I would want to help, but i didn't play Rockman.EXE games that much (only played 5 DS and 6, and i didn't finish them). But i watched all the episodes from the beginning.
Even though, now, i have very much time ^^