OFFICIAL: Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver coming to DS


Staff member
Haha, love how the first few comments go about how the names sound lame in that article. xD

Now I just need to convince my parents to at least get me one of them~


Well, not like anyone actually looks at the logo for more than a second anyway. I want them to announce the pre-order figures.


DC Comics Enthusiast
Ordered my copies of the games this morning. Anyone else getting the Japanese version (emulator, actual game, other means)?


Staff member
That Girl With the Hair
Yes, I'm gonna put it on my Flash Cart. It's Pokemon, how hard can it be to play it in Japanese? I did it with Platinum.


New Member
Voltanis;105298 said:
Ordered my copies of the games this morning. Anyone else getting the Japanese version (emulator, actual game, other means)?
I have Soul Silver (the actual game)! Just caught Lugia, about to go on and beat the Elite 4.

And... by any chance... is there someone here who had been playing Platinum over the summer and was able to get one of the special Jirachi? I just need one temporarily to unlock that stage on the Pokewalker... ;_;


DC Comics Enthusiast
I HaVe THe JiraCHi!!! <33333 STill on my PlaTina THougH... XDDDDD


DC Comics Enthusiast
Actually, when I woke up, a few of my keys on my keyboard wouldn't work unless another key was pressed with it. I had to use shift to type certain letters.


New Member
Voltanis;114614 said:
I HaVe THe JiraCHi!!! <33333 STill on my PlaTina THougH... XDDDDD

*_*!!!! would you mind trading it to me just temporarily so I can unlock the area? I still need to unlock the national dex, but should be ready in the next few days, I'm about to go beat the elite four sometime soon...

oh! would you also happen to have the event Arceus, or the Pikachu Colored Pichu from the special 12th movie event, by any chance? *hopeful*


DC Comics Enthusiast
I don't...Only one I have is the Jirachi. I can trade+tradeback whenever you are ready. :)


New Member
Waited 20 or so days, and finally got SoulSilver last Thursday.

I'm definitely enjoying this first playthrough, though I'm kinda bummed at the fact that Meganium doesn't really seem to be much use at all. Kangaskhan on the other hand, really seems to be quite useful for the first half of this game.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
Well, I'll be waiting for the English version to come out... Though, if I may as, what are the pros and cons to each of the starters? I've never played the second game, so I really don't know anything about its starters and where their strengths lie...

Kaji Motomiya

Fire, in my opinion, is always the worst way to start in any version. But then again, Fire is the most fun way to start off. XD

I've chosen fire for every starter except R/S/E.


New Member
Kaji Motomiya;118229 said:
Fire, in my opinion, is always the worst way to start in any version. But then again, Fire is the most fun way to start off. XD

I've chosen fire for every starter except R/S/E.

That sir, is only because the first gym is usually a Rock gym. 3rd and 4th gen conveniently have their Fire starters become part Fighting type after evolving though, so usually the only hard part is raising them up to 14 or 16.

That said, Chikorita would be the most difficult to use here. It is a defensive oriented starter, and its shallow movepool really leaves a lot to be desired. I still always choose it though, if only because I have a bias for Grass starters.


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
I can see why... Bulbasaur was a beast in the Colors Generation. Makes sense that a lot of people would get attached to grass starters after that.

How does that alligator dood-guy fair compared to the other two?


Fanfic Writer & RPer
Returning Member
I can see why... Bulbasaur was a beast in the Colors Generation. Makes sense that a lot of people would get attached to grass starters after that.

How does that alligator dood-guy fair compared to the other two?


DC Comics Enthusiast
I used the following starters from each generation and was just fine...well except for Emerald, where there's no good choice...

R/B/G/FR/LG: Squirtle
G/S/C/HG/SS: Totodile OR Cyndaquil (less often)
R/S: Torchic
E: Champion Wallace uses Ice Beam and Blizzard so Treeko's out, Surf so Torchic dies quickly, and Ludicolo is famous for Giga Drain which kills Mudkip...HE'S EVIL!!!
D/P/Pt: Turtwig (Seriously, Grass/Ground comes in handy against a lot...Plus, the LV32 Earthquake is a HUGE Bonus!)