Ah! Another fan of the blond midget!
Yeah, Ivan was cute.
GS also had a VERY compelling story, as well as the BEST graphics for the GBA, despite being a release title. Only game I've ever played and not hit burnout. Working on a 'perfect level up file'. Hard as hell to do.
My usual team at the end was Isaac, Jenna, Ivan, Piers. (Felix is a freaking sprite swap, and Sheba's just a wannabe Ivan. Grr...) Yours?
Any news on the actual DS2, though? Something I MIGHT actually be interested in? I know I'm looking forward to the PSP2, even though it'll be bulky as hell, since I'll be able to play PS1 and PS2 discs on it... Still wanna know if you can use memory cards, or if it'll be internal HD saving...