[Game] Hit & Heal

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[Game] Hit & Heal

The Point:
The point of this game is to be the last one standing. To eliminate somebody, their points have to go to zero. Each contestant starts with 20 points.

If someone is "hit," they lose 2 points.
If someone is "healed," they gain 1 point.

People can hit or heal other people for whatever reason. Forming alliances and other plotting is allowed, but through PM, not in the game topic. Random events may occur... i.e. Someone might be hit by a bomb and die randomly :D

- Each person can only hit or heal once a day.
- You must hit AND heal. No double heals or double hits... or just one hit, ect.
- Both contestants AND regular members can hit or heal.
- You may heal yourself, but if you do, you lose one turn. Meaning, the day after you heal yourself, you will be able to do nothing. Plus, this heal still counts as only 1 point.
- Nothing besides hitting and healing can be posted in the game topic.
- Each game day ends whenever I update the roster of life. It will most likely be randomly during each afternoon.

Players - Health:
1. Scar - 20
2. Albert - 20
3. Vande - 20
4. Scipio - 20
5. Kage - 20
6. Nemomon - 20
7. Lecros - 20
8. Johnzaloog - 20
9. Magna - 20
10. Hagaren Gao - 20

Just post here saying you want to play and you will be added to the roster :-O Let's say the game will start whenever we get 10 or so people.

Example of a post once the the game starts:

Hit: Jorge
Heal: Ralph

And that's all you have to put ;o


DATS Yu-Gi-Oh! Official
I don't really get it, but count me in. (is it like a popularity contest? I'm gonna lose first ;_; )


Staff member
Hit and Heal
Day 1

-Nothing today ;o The game begins

Players - Health:
1. Scar - 20
2. Albert - 20
3. Vande - 20
4. Scipio - 20
5. Kage - 20
6. Nemomon - 20
7. Lecros - 20
8. Johnzaloog - 20
9. Magna - 20
10. Hagaren Gao - 20


So, i can heal and hit a person too, right? :eek:

If so...

Hit: Magna ( Sorry ;_; )
Heal: Scipio~
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